hypocrites, these people are two faced hypocrites. they get what they wanted with the election and now their all upset? if these people are not the definition of a hypocrite idk what is.
hypocrites, these people are two faced hypocrites. they get what they wanted with the election and now their all upset? if these people are not the definition of a hypocrite idk what is.
no surprise that a Chinese manufacturer are using slave labor to make their products. a good chinamen is a good slave, that’s what society has taught me since they just lie down and accept this kind of treatment. that’s what the CCP teaches. those people are fucked for all time as long as the CCP remains in power.
sry to hear that. good luck.
no freedom of speech on TWITTER any more. its Elon Musk country, the fascists memorandum land.
That my blood, my immune system made a giant leap forwards in fighting cancer cells to the point it defeats most cancerous cell and saving hundreds of millions of people.
a government official advertising rape to the less fortunate? these people saying such ludicrous things need to be put on a noose.
thats why i never had a thought about joining the military. i dont like following blind orders.
This kind of problem can only occure if there is a deep rooted evil lurking in the hearts of the people. An evil that was taught to them by the brainwashing of the CCP.