Welcome to Technology Memes. Here you can make memes and/or rant about
technology, internet, software, hardware, corporations, enshittification and
etc. (including but not limited to) Rules: 1. Follow Lemmy.world ToS
[https://legal.lemmy.world/] and Lemmy’s Code Of Conduct
[https://join-lemmy.org/docs/code_of_conduct.html] 2. Memes and ranting should
be related to technology. No off-topic posts and comments. 3. Don’t harras
and/or discriminite anyone, be civil. If you hate something let’s say Windows
OS, attack Windows/Microsoft itself or it’s CEO/devs, not it’s users. 4.
Spamming and advertsiting is disallowed. 5. NSFW and inapporative content is
prohibited. Strong language is OK as long as it doesn’t directed to anyone 6. Do
not repost. If you’re posting someone else’s meme give him/her apporative
credit/attribution. Please report any posts and comments that violates the
Welcome to Technology Memes. Here you can make memes and/or rant about technology, internet, software, hardware, corporations, enshittification and etc.