It’s on the rise recently especially in gamers, Americans, and even here in the Philippines.

  • Trudge [Comrade]
    8 months ago

    It just turns to fascism without class consciousness.

    So as for what we can do practically, make memes to make people class conscious. There’s not enough communists in the West currently to do any effective action imo so we have to boost up those numbers first.

    The soviets took agitprop very seriously for a reason and memes / tiktoks are the 21st century manifestations of it.

    • Trudge [Comrade]
      8 months ago

      I don’t know enough about the situation in Philippines to say if it’s different from the West. But if it isn’t different enough, the most time-effective way to do it is to translate Western/Chinese memes into Tagalog or other languages in Philippines. You’ll have to be selective about which ones are relevant to local material conditions and will resonate with the audience there.

    8 months ago

    basically just explain to ppl that their woes about society are material in nature and the common foe is the capitalists making things crappy

  • The book, even though it’s liberal, It Came from Something Awful makes a great point about how the “alt-right”… or fascism, just funnels anti-establishment sentiment given that liberals are content as positioning themselves as the “norm” and foolishly believe “the system” will protect them. They honestly believe that if Trump actually starts to become a dictator that the military leadership will turn against the far-right and fight on the left-facing side, that’s literally never happened in all of history. Whenever these maniacs outwardly announce their desires for civil war, liberals think the police and military will be the ones fighting the conservatives for their side. The actual left in the West has been pathetic at trying to reach out to the disaffected rural and small ex-manufacturing town poor population fucked over by capitalism but aren’t aware of it and are charmed by fascist charlatans because even dumb racist, sexist, homophobic explanations for their problems is better than absolutely nothing.

    Look how MSNBC and the NYT squirm trying to convince an American population that never recovered from from the Great Recession nor the pandemic and are told to say they’re dumb, and to “look at GDP, it’s never been higher!” Even if so much of that is artificial trillions of dollars authorized to be printed by the Federal Reserve because NMT proves that any nation with a sovereign currency can’t actually spend their way into inflation.

    8 months ago

    I heard someone say (can’t remember where, somewhere YouTube) that nerds like to be pedantic. Therefore, we need to point them to our books, so they can be pedantic from a good place. :D

    8 months ago

    If you’re starting from the Philippines, you should take the framework of analyzing its material conditions and geopolitical position, through the Global South Marxist Leninist lens… and base your political thesis on, for instance:

    a stance against anti-China U.S war exercises and why we shouldn’t have our country be a 2nd unsinkable aircraft carrier (remember Macarthur?)

    Read some Tricontinental, to get a better grasp on this rhetoric…

    For example,

    And always, I guess organize with others, like National Democracy movements (they’re leftist anti-imperialists, right?)