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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2023


  • I’ve been thinking about this and it seems developed and developing countries have some kind of an ideological thing against ectoparasitic medications. There’s a common delusion that stuff like lice, fleas, bedbugs, etc, are very rare because everything and everyone is so clean these days.

    But it’s not really true. All these parasites circulate, especially now that people travel so much for business and pleasure. Also, none of these parasites really care how clean your body and your house are, all they “care” about is drinking your blood.

    I really think if we could get over this wrong idea, and we could start actual government-funded research into effective and safe ectoparasitic drugs for human use, we’d stand a much better chance at ending bedgbugs and other stuff once for all. Environmental treatments have been proven ineffective time and time again. They work for a while and then the bugs develop resistance. We need a way to make our blood unpalatable to them.

  • The abortion debate in the US is psychotic. On one end you have prolifers that want to ban Plan B and some would definitely like to ban contraceptives too.

    On the other end you have rabid prochoicers who support the idea that abortion should be an elective procedure with (almost) no limits.

    Whereas, in most of Europe, we seem to have figured it out. Set a sensible limit somewhere around 12-14 weeks, allow a lot exceptions when the mother’s health in threatened or for cases of rape and incest, and that’s it. It works.

    But, something else is at play here, which is that many extreme feminists don’t want any kind of equality but power. The demand to be able to terminate a pregnancy with no limits is a demand to be solely in control of human reproduction.