She hopes by showing her ass that the whites won’t spend her as a token.
But they will.
Dumb fascist cunt.
She hopes by showing her ass that the whites won’t spend her as a token.
But they will.
Dumb fascist cunt.
Right, not sure what they’re complaining about.
They’re just going to keep going through jury pools until they can find enough bootlickers, which seems to be the antithesis of the “jury of your peers” system.
His peers find his actions justifiable. The rich can get over it.
Sounds like a win-win tbh
Yes, it’s a riff on how everything is the millennials’ fault in the news the past decade or so.
Hollywood has a long history of being a propaganda arm of the US military, government, and intelligence agencies.
A raise so they can continue their comfy lifestyles all while doing NOTHING for us? Remember – these fuckers have socialized healthcare. They don’t live in the same reality as those of us who are barely scraping by. They also benefit from insider trading and lavish “gifts.”
Nah, fuck all that. Don’t lick their boots.
“Here’s why feudalism is the remedy for selfish, lazy millennials.”
This is gonna happen, I guarantee it 😂.
This damn country.
This happened to me almost 20 years ago. Answered truthfully about smoking weed. Instant denial.
“Here’s how the millennials’ love of vegetables is destroying the planet”
MAGA took over the GOP in 4 years.
Time for progressives and other leftists to do the same to the Democrats.
I just don’t understand why Biden’s family and those closest to him wouldn’t have taken the time to be like “Joe, just shut your mouth. Cement your legacy as one of the best Presidents the USA has ever had, make some shit for Donald harder on the way out, and enjoy retirement.”
Instead he’s showing his whole ass. And for what? Once real history gets memory-holed by the fascists none of his whining matters anyway. He could have done a lot of good on his way out.