No gods, no masters.
Is the railway system for his personal use? Rail is good if it’s public transport (and cargo). There was a tradition, some time ago, of rich people getting their own railways and trains. But now they have jets and yachts.
Yes! Now convince the car fanboys clamoring for electric cars to switch.
What is misleading?
Correct, it’s caused by being relatively rich.
Cars are luxuries. Electric cars are more expensive luxuries.
For context on the reference:
The New York Times’ ‘Nazi Correspondent’ - Tablet Magazine
As Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany and then embarked on his program of world conquest and mass extermination, The New York Times’ Berlin bureau chief was busy slanting the news in his favor
Rather than figuring out how best to cover these momentous events, Enderis began plotting how best to get in good with the new regime. The Times’ World Wide Photo subsidiary, a photo distribution service incorporated in Germany, provided an opportunity. In July 1933, Enderis phoned Birchall to suggest ways “to accord with the general tendency” of the Nazi government. Enderis advised changing the service’s name “to some nice Germanic form,” and firing its manager, Julius Bolgar, who “is of Jewish origin and, moreover, has borne himself in dealing with Nazi protests in a highly independent spirit.”
why do you hate Zoomers?
You implant a chip in your brain that gives it control over your finger movement.
Fourth try: total motion blur
Trust the muscle memory.
Looks like a ranch.
Metz is a member of the Mountain View Town Council. Property records show he also owns a home in Mountain View under Hartwood Ranch LLC.
It makes a lot more sense if you know how ranchers deal with “trespassing” animals.
When fascists do vision boards and manifestation.
And they were arrested, right? Right?
It’s not an OR
operator, doing all those actions would be better.
This one is for Americans who use cars as shoes, umbrellas and shopping bags. Normally, the need to switch to a plant-based would be higher.
It’s called “ponzi scheme”.
Imagine telling your kid:
You’ll wipe my ass one day. This is your purpose in life.
Reduce. Reduce plastic companies to dust.
Ah, yes, that’s much more readable.