Wow congrats! And did you know not all churches are seen as community centers? You’re arguing against one persons anecdote with your own.
Wow congrats! And did you know not all churches are seen as community centers? You’re arguing against one persons anecdote with your own.
Yes, because my OLED’s speakers sound terrible. Especially when compared the LED I had previously.
See this if your interested in knowing more:
50? I’m going on 30 and I realized that 3 years ago. Hopefully more and more younger folk realize sooner and sooner.
Hey! There are dozens of us!
That wasn’t condescending. They are telling you that you are wrong, which you are. It’s okay to be wrong - it’s how you handle it that matters…
Yeah that’s what they said. You’re the one who said lifetime, which was never true.
AppleCare still exists. So this is misinformation.
And just as an anecdote, I have not felt like Apple has ever “pulled the rug out” on me and I’m an Apple product consumer. Are you?
That’s not Steve-o from Jackass. That’s just some jackass named Steve-o. Come on man, don’t be like these idiots on twitter just seeing a name and believing it’s that person.
You don’t speak for all people. No doubt what you said is true for some. My favorite books were 4 and 5.