
Materials Science PhD candidate in Pittsburgh, PA, USA

My profile picture is the cover art from Not A Lot of Reasons to Sing, But Enough, and was drawn by Casper Pham (recolor by me).

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • In FFXIV, I’m in the post-Shadowbringers DLC content. I’ve taken a bit of a break from the MSQ to get the Nier-themed alliance raids

    Are you me? I’m just a bit into the post-ShB patches, and I just finished unlocking all three Nier raids. They’re really fun (although I agree: challenging). If you happen to be on Crystal DC and want to party up for some raids or something, lmk!

    Think I might try a healer class next, just not sure which one

    As someone who is very much a non-healer main, I quite like Sage. My first healer to 90 was actually Scholar, but a lot of that had to do with the fact that I was really into Summoner for a while: when I’m going to heal I usually hop on Sage.

  • The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood! It’s a really good visual-novel-style game, but with the added element that you craft your own tarot-style divination deck and then draw cards from it during some conversations, and which cards you draw influence what kinds of readings you can give for people. It is established early on that since you were a kid your readings have never been wrong, and fittingly the game warns you early and repeatedly that your answers will affect your fate, dramatically. Well, no kidding! When I was playing yesterday I had a choice that I’d made hours earlier come back and bite me in the ass, hard. Almost made me want to quit and start over, but I’ve decided to see this play-through through and if by the end I still feel like I need to fix my mistakes I’ll maybe play it a second time.

    tl;dr if you like beautiful pixel art, enigmatic beings from outside of space and time, witches, tarot, and/or choices that actually matter in your games, do give this one a go! I’m not done with it yet but I’d already love to chat with someone else who’s played it!

  • I don’t have hundreds of hours

    Don’t start with XIV then!

    So what is the most recent game in the series that I can start with that is worth it to play and wouldn’t confuse a newcomer?

    All of the FF games – baring the ones that are explicitly sequels, like X2 – are totally separate from each other, you can jump in anywhere. At most you might miss some references or easter eggs.

    If you want the most recent then, that’d be XVI, although I’d personally recommend looking up what the gameplay is like in the different games and starting wherever you feel you’ll have the most fun! There are some weirder ones out there, like crystal chronicles (my own first final fantasy game) and tactics, so you have a lot of options!

  • I’ve been working my way through Cross Code in the evenings after I get back home, and it’s as excellent as everyone says it is! I keep trying to decide what other games it reminds me of the most, and surprisingly I think I’m starting to settle on Legend of Zelda (the older ones, not BotW/TotK).

    The way it gates progress, the level & dungeon design, etc just really seems to be a part of that tradition. The moment to moment gameplay is pretty different though, and pretty unique at that!

    Really though it’s just been a nice escape in the evenings. It’s challenging enough that sometimes I decide to leave a tough fight or puzzle to pick up the next night, but it’s not punishingly hard and I feel like it respects my time.

  • #notallgames

    Seriously though, I know you said “for the most part,” but I just want to emphasize that there are absolutely story-focused games out there. Games I’d even describe as downright literary, where the entire point is to tell a compelling story and explore some heady themes. One recent one I played like this was Pentiment, which explores some really interesting history and has a lot to say about religion, community, fallibility, family, etc…

    And, I mean, lots of other people have already mentioned Disco Elysium and I could write an essay about it but anyone who hasn’t played it should just watch this Jacob Geller video instead.

  • Oh yeah, exploring different tones, settings, systems, etc can be really interesting! I usually listen to more lighthearted things, so I don’t have a ton of recommendations, but you might like Dungeons and Randomness.

    It’s changed a lot since it started. In the beginning it was a pretty standard fantasy themed actual play between some friends, but has evolved into a pretty big living-world style campaign with several different groups of players. The tone starts out a little silly –e.g. there’s a magic item called the “gravy boat of pestilence” – but over time becomes much more serious. They start to deal with some fairly portentous themes, and some might even describe the tone as “dark” at times.

    If you check it out, I recommend skipping the first two episodes entirely (they’re almost irrelevant to the larger story and they feel a lot less polished). From episode 3 there’s some plot relevant stuff, but you could safely skip up to episode 16 or 17 (at which point there are already two adventuring groups) and you won’t miss too much. If you want to get straight into the higher production value stuff, there’s a recap after episode 200 (the first “arc”), at which point there are four different adventuring groups. I wouldn’t super recommend that personally, I think there’s a lot of good stuff in the first arc, but I’m pretty sure they do recommend doing that. Up to you, of course.

  • There are a lot of really good actual plays in a lot of different genres and systems! I feel like the most straightforward answer would be Dimension 20 – professional quality and Brennan Lee Mulligan is a frankly incredible GM. He’s also involved in a new show, Worlds Beyond Number. I haven’t checked it out yet but I’m expecting it to be really very good.

    But if you have a preferred genre or system I might have more specific recommendations!

  • Objective numbers: Steam tells me my most player game is Tabletop Simulator, but that one doesn’t really count since it’s lots of different games. My second most played game is still Destiny 2 at 285 hours, despite the fact that I stopped playing years ago. My most played non-steam game – also my most played game by quite a large margin – is Final Fantasy XIV, at 990 hours.

    My favorite game I’ve played so far this year has been Citizen Sleeper, and that took me around 13¼ hours. Pentiment is probably my second favorite of the year, and that one took like 16¾ hours. I’ve done one playthrough of Disco Elysium and at 33¾ hours that one was starting to feel a bit long. Webbed was a really fun experience that felt nice and bite sized, and that one got 7½ hours. The most memorable game I played last year was probably Before Your Eyes, and that game is about two hours long!

    Subjective thoughts and feelings: These days I much prefer games that keep themselves contained. I’ve got one big game I’m investing a lot of time in (FFXIV), but that’s over the course of years and also a game played with friends, which I feel changes the dynamic. For solo games I look for things that tell a compelling story or offer a compelling gameplay experience, and don’t feel the need to pad out gameplay to 200 hours (so most AAAs are kinda out for me these days).

    I’m just busier these days than I used to be. Most nights when I get home from the lab I’ve got 4, maybe 5 hours free if I have leftovers and don’t need to cook, there are no chores, I don’t need to go grocery shopping, etc. Some nights I’ll want to use those hours playing FFXIV with my friends. Some nights I’ll want to work on other hobbies. Some nights I’ll just be tired and want to lay down to read or watch someone else play some games on YouTube.

    So even though a game like Disco Elysium only took a bit under 34 hours to finish, that was spread over like a week of evenings dedicated only to playing that game. I will admit to having lost sleep for Citizen Sleeper (ironically); I beat that one in about 2 days despite the length, because it was compelling enough to really not want to put it down. And Webbed I beat in its entirety in one long weekend day (plus coming back the next day to 100% it, something I almost never do anymore).