@tsonfeir@confusedwiseman I did something similar, when I gained the right to vote on what my computers would run. Then there came backward compatibility issues, purchased from AppStore programs stopped working, 3rd party programs like Safari (checks some notes…), make it in house programs, stopped working etc. I switched Mac Mini almost immediately to a Linux. Air unfortunately had HW incompatibilities like hinge and camera, so it stayed with Mac OS till it managed to bust charge controller.
@tsonfeir @confusedwiseman I did something similar, when I gained the right to vote on what my computers would run. Then there came backward compatibility issues, purchased from AppStore programs stopped working, 3rd party programs like Safari (checks some notes…), make it in house programs, stopped working etc. I switched Mac Mini almost immediately to a Linux. Air unfortunately had HW incompatibilities like hinge and camera, so it stayed with Mac OS till it managed to bust charge controller.