I’ve been using my own domain pointed at Inbox.eu. They’re based in the EU and I haven’t had any problems, I pay for 2 users, the price is something like 12€ per user per year, so it’s cheap enough for me.
IT jack of all trades. Licensed pillow fort architect.
I’ve been using my own domain pointed at Inbox.eu. They’re based in the EU and I haven’t had any problems, I pay for 2 users, the price is something like 12€ per user per year, so it’s cheap enough for me.
I mean, for Morrowind at the time I played it, I probably didn’t even realise modding was a thing, I must have played it around 2005 or so :-)
Thanks, I think I needed to read this today.
Insightful, thanks. I’ve recemtly gone from a tech position to a more sales oriented one and I’m constantly agitated by the passive language sales and marketing people use. I’ve actually started using AI to understand calls I’m on because I have trouble following all the sales BS.
I mainly play iRacing with some Slay the Spire here and there, but this week I’ve been playing a bunch of Dragonsweeper, such a great game (kind of weird it’s not on iOS yet). Also just re-installed Darkest Dungeon (1) from GOG.
I remember playing both Morrowind and Oblivion with like a ton of notes on how exactly to level up my character, not to min/max but to keep the game from scaling the difficulty too much.
I’d rather see a remake of Morrowind over Oblivion, though. I have the game on GOG but I don’t have the time in my life to go through all the mods to make it playable (especially getting the journalling system up to par with modern games).
I’ve heard it said that Excel is the second best program for everything. DB? Excel. CRM? Excel. Word editor? Browser? Calendar? Doom? Yup, you guessed it.
Just like Outlook, which my users essentialy used as a file storage… Sadly I’m not joking that when the first SSDs came out I had a user who I installed an SSD in his PC just to put his stupid PST files on, because having them on a HDD would cause his Outlook to have a meltdown.
I’m so happy I don’t have end users any more…
Just to point out that on Win11, Notepad also:
I use a bunch of text editors / note taking apps regularly (or semi-regularly) and Notepad is one of them (among others also Notepad++, VSC, Obsidian, Geany, Notion…).
I’ve been using Inbox.eu, provider from Latvia, for a few years now, specifically with my own domain. Was pretty easy to setup, and the support was also good when I messed up some DNS settings.
Yeah, but this has been 15 years in the making… So many people say that they ‘don’t use Facebook, it’s just where I get my news…’. Which is how we got into this mess in the first place.
I’d add that Social Media kind of took over this role for most regular users, but that having your own RSS feed gives you control of what you follow, instead of ceceeding control to the algorithms most social media uses to put whatever it is they want to put in front of you. So in that aspect, I do think there are also some privacy advantages in not having a central algorithm studying up what news stories and links work for you and how they can manipulate you.
Well put, and I think it’s definitely meaningful.
I’d agree the sentiment that you’re partners, not room mates, though even partners split (or share) things like costs, housework, etc. I’d suggest something like you pay your mortgage and both of you split utilities… or maybe you pay mortgage and she pays utilities, whatever seems fair to both of you. But I wouldn’t have her pay me money directly, IDK why but it feels a bit off.
I really should get around to re-watching Futurama. I often say Professor Farnsworth’s ‘Good news, everyone!’ to myself :-)
No no no, with gods, you can kind of shop around, most of them won’t mind much, at least not in the ‘send a lightning bolt down to fry [email protected]’ kind of way. Essentially, gods need people to believe in them (so they can exist), and people need someone to blame. Offler, the crocodile-headed god, is quite popular, as is Blind Io, chief of the gods.
I work in IT, so in my headcannon, I pray to the gods of DNS. Put into a classical context, I imagine this is Hermes from Greek mythology (messenger of the gods), Thoth from Egyption mythology, etc.
Completely honestly though - I think faith is similar to energy, in the ‘conservation of energy’ type of way. So the total amount of faith humanity holds has stayed the same, but instead of praying to gods, we now have faith in things like… Ryzen processors. DNS. Manual transmissions. Black coffee. Subaru. These are just some of the things I have faith in, if you asked my daughter, the answers would probably be Peppa Pig, mom & dad, Everest the Paw Patrol character, a blue baloon, cheesecake is best cake, her stuffed animal squid, etc. Both answers are completely valid :-)