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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Yes, true of most any national/international chain.

    It’s because they value large volume, year round availability, and high consistency from their beans and roasts, so that no matter what location you go to it tastes exactly the same.

    To do that, they select and blend several bland varieties of coffee bean, put them through an aggressive industrial cleaning and drying (which reduces the natural fruity and funky flavors but minimizes costs) then roast them in huge batches to several steps past where a normal roaster would stop for a given roast (a darker roast gets rid of more of the unique flavors of the coffee cherry and brings out more uniform roast flavors instead).

    Again, not something exclusive to Starbucks at all, and plenty of small coffee shops don’t bother with the hassle and just buy cheap bulk coffee pre-roasted by large scale operations and will have similar results.

    But man, when you get coffee made in small batches, with natural processing or even fermentation and gently roasted… It’s an entirely different experience.

  • Yes. This is a careful, calculated, psychological move, just like you said.

    It’s very clever. By asking if Trump is weird, the natural response of a human is to check Trump’s actions and traits against your natural biases and expectations based on your ‘in group’, either to evaluate if he’s weird or to try to defend him by building a rebuttal. Unless you hang out with racist billionaire authoritarian narcissists often, he’s going to be very weird to nearly everyone.

    And again like you said, it takes the wind out of the most obvious counter to Kamala, her ‘otherness’.

    It’s brilliant.

  • No… Let’s be extremely clear. This is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. A real conservative, not one of these corpo-christo-fascistic assholes wearing conservative skin-suits now.

    These are the people we’re supposed to be working with. They slow down progress a little bit to let the ideas fully bake. They moderate cultural change ensuring society keeps an eye on history and doesn’t completely leave behind the elderly and rural. They have a valuable place in our government and our society.

    These days in America they have largely gotten lumped into the “moderates”, “undecided”, “centrists”, and “fence sitters”, while actual fucking fascism entrenches itself deeper and deeper into our government.

    Democrats need to be forming coalitions with them and offering them a party at the table separate from fascist MAGA, but also separate from Democrats. They’ll pull voters away from MAGA and undecided, costing Democrats very little but emptying the floor from under the modern GOP.

  • Its dangerous to send goalposts flying around that fast, be careful or you’ll hurt yourself.

    Your response is condescending, arguing from ignorance, and arguing in bad faith. I will reply this time, because once again you’re trying to build an argument on extremely shaky ground and I don’t enjoy people spreading ignorance unchallenged. However I won’t engage any further and feed whatever you think you’re getting from this.

    I haven’t suggested that people should use Obsidian over OSS solutions. I was simply pointing out your argument against Obsidian’s architecture was poorly founded.

    The data you’re insinuating will be lost is pure FUD. While the format isn’t standard markdown, none of the well implemented solutions are, because as you so rightly pointed out, markdown has little to no support for most of these features.

    However, obsidian’s format is well documented and well understood. There are dozens of FOSS plugins and tools for converting or directly importing obsidian data to nearly every other solution. Due to obsidian’s popularity, it’s interoperability this way is often far superior to FOSS solutions’.

  • Content is your notes. In obsidian this is represented by markdown files in a flat filesystem. This format is already cross platform and doesn’t need to be exported.

    Metadata is extracted information from your notes that makes processing the data more efficient. Tags, links, timestamp, keywords, titles, filenames, etc are metadata, stored in the metadata database. When you search for something in obsidian, or view the graph, or list files in a tag etc obsidian only opens the metadata database to process the request. It only opens the file for read/write.

    Does this help?

  • The problem, as ever, is game theory. All you need is ONE bad actor to spoil the entire effort. See the panama papers.

    If one country has laws that allow billionaires to claim residence or establish a shell corporation and have lower or no income tax and these bastards will all jump at the chance and that tax money will slip through the fingers of everyone playing by the rules.

    Laws are great. But what we need is real enforcement by agencies with real teeth. Ban shell corps. Tax overseas transfers aggressively. Treat white collar crime like a real crime with severe penalties.