someone needs to lay off the coolaid. OH NO public healthcare, education, and worker rights are DANGEROUS!
someone needs to lay off the coolaid. OH NO public healthcare, education, and worker rights are DANGEROUS!
n working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.
so they’ve been paying lip service and not actually accomplishing it? sounds about right. you don’t get credit for lipservice.
I was happy with the union busting changings though. but that is likely admin dependent.
age limits; term limits have some actual negatives like getting rid of good representatives and increasing corruption.
its hard to get a person who living is based on a lie to see the truth.
why the west is so extremely powerful, that is the answer.
again you cite something without any evidence to back it up. its not capitalism that granted the west dominance. its geography. post world war 2 every country not in the americas was absolutely gutted economically, culturally. the ‘west’ (i.e. capitalism) came to true prominence during this era when literally every other country was in tatter the USs economic engine was basically pumping on full cyclinders. it just happens that the US was also practicing capitalism at the same time; china which is not a capitalist country rivals the US in economic power today.
the US protected from most of the devastation of the war due to the oceans protecting it borders was the only country able to support rebuilding and retooling the rest of the world. its pure dumb geography that lead to this situation not any intrinsic merits of capitalism. not to mention during the war the US had more characteristics of a centrally planned economy than a capitalist one. go figure.
you attribute a lot to capitalism without any real evidence its actually the cause. the rest of your post is an uninformed rant about communism which I’m not even going to bother addressing because its your straw man; I’ve made no argument in favor of communism.
you’re entire argument seems to be ‘US is capitalism; everything they do is a result of capitalism’ which is fundamentally not the case our schools where the majority of research happens are publicly funded. most companies engaged in research receive public funding. that’s not capitalism mate.
you want to change capitalism yourself because its a fucking horrible system and you know it deep down; you just can’t articulate why.
define success and what systems you’re comparing it to. it may come as a surprise to you but many people don’t value the supposed benefits of capitalism the way you do or even agree with the statements you’re spouting as if they are facts. note communism isn’t generally the system people propose as alternatives today due to its centralized nature. not the mention the changes to a capitalist system you made would make it not a capitalist system as you’re putting restrictions on the market. and capitalism is based on a ‘free’ market. which is both impossible to have and easily corrupted.
havent you heard orange is the new black.
the fact dumbasses here are splitting hairs around sick leave, safety, and insane schedules is absurd. All are serious problems that shouldn’t exist.
and it was viscerally demonstrated with multiple train crashes occurring during the period the unions were threatening to strike.