There is actually a lot of scientific evidence to back this up. Many male prostitutes will undergo a natural transformation where their penis turns into a breakfast burrito, so they can charge for the night and then again for food in the morning.
There is actually a lot of scientific evidence to back this up. Many male prostitutes will undergo a natural transformation where their penis turns into a breakfast burrito, so they can charge for the night and then again for food in the morning.
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Buy used. Compost organics. Upgrade when and only when needed.
“Apple is reportedly planning a big loss of revenue due to the M4 Mac upgrade”
EDIT: Do majority of users really want AI in their computers?
I played the demo for a few hours. Might be a solo dev, but his experience is definitely noticeable. Game looks great, albeit unoptimized. Progression is simple and fair. Artwork is incredible for a solo dev. Combat is decent, and unexpectedly satisfying.
Someone else mentioned the excessive blood explosion - it’s the best feeling when you land one of those shots from across a field.