• 6 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2024

  • I thought Germany was huge on developing cars? Maybe I am just a fool. Also I was thinking about in the past, Mexico for sure is a major car manufacturer nowadays. And…I just realized you’re talking Bugs. I liked those Rabbits. I wish as a whole America had more economical, small-form, simple cars. All of the cars here look like shitty space-ships and they’re way too big and I am not sure how these “luxury cars” ever feel like any kind of luxury. Because everything feels cheap, probably because it is.

  • Hahaha, I didn’t know! You know I know so little about cars. But I know bugs, on account of them running across my mind the other day when watching that five skits of Springfield episode of The Simpsons. There’s a guy in a bug who’s super tall and Nelson laughs at him and he hops out and humiliates him. But it reminded me of when I was younger on account of my father and his very tall friend both cramming themselves into one. Do they still make them? Last I saw them they were around…the 00s I think? An ex of mine had a lime-green one.

  • Unfortunately not, we thought it might be that - but it was black and white and very pixelated. I believe you swang from powerlines but I can’t remember too much. The bananas I think might have been floating in air and may have twirled. I am really pushing it because this was at least 30 years ago.

    Thank you though! Still on da phone with mama - we’re trying to find it too.

  • I really dig this, but mostly on account of some smoosh of childhood x art appreciation. My mom is half-Japanese and we had Ukiyo-e paintings up on the wall when I was a kid. But also I would get up with my mother and watch her perform her morning rituals. It was the late-80s and I’d watch my mom pull a large toothed resin-based comb through her wild hair (did I mention the other half being Pasifika?). We also had beautiful Japanese cotton based sheets with these outta of this world series of prints on them. All wedding presents I think. So in that sense, this is a very lovely thing to look at. To think about, you know? But from a different perspective, it is nice to think about the artistry that went into carving each fine detail. I haven’t done a damn thing with prints in a hundred of years but I believe you have to work with a lot of negative space, but I might be wrong. I’m not sure if these are don with a series of plates, or a singular plate (er…blocks) with careful application of colors. But it’s an amazing skill to think about as a whole. Even the paper made, or how the pigments were obtain to create the colors. It’s all really amazing when you think about it, and I am very happy that it’s still appreciated as a medium.

    p.s. - American art history focuses very little on world arts (at least when I was swimming in it) and mostly seemed to focus on European/American movements.

  • Ahahahahaha!!! HAHAHAHA! Aww man, I threw my head back on this one. Thank you for that laughs. Hahaha!

    Hahaha! Shit. Hahaha. Aww, still laughing!

    Oh, I get this. You know I’m gunna keep talking Katz cause it’s the only fkin thing I am watching right now but in it Paul F Tompkins says he eats like garbage yet he still has that little gleam in his eye and as long as you combine the knowledge of the two he’s doing alright. So maybe you too have a little gleam, even if you’ve slowly evolved to a total glorbo. It’s pretty funny though, and I wish you all the best. Hahahahaha!

  • Someone said something that really struck me. I just wish I could remember who, they are (or were? I imagine they’re still alive but who knows - sometimes this stuff all blends together) a queer photographer who recorded the sexual activities of same-sex couples and self. Either way, she said something on aging like “I always thought I was young, until I went to the doctors and suddenly I walk out and I’m old.” And you could really feel the frustration and pain in her words. It made me sad, because sudden health issues can really take you down a peg or three. And you don’t usually know about them until you’re on the ground. But I will say my mom’s partner is about same boat (but older) and he kept about the same thing going on. And while he can’t do things as actively as he used to - he still stays fit using a rowing machine and he still keeps-a-going. So I know (from what I’m reading here) you’ll figure out a way to get what you need.

    But not only that, and I always joke about this - but you’ll want that little bit of fat on you for when you get older cause I swear to god you get hit with some sickness and if you’re too skinny it just wipes you from the Earth. At least as I seen it when I worked in a home =P!

    Okay, that’s it, you dun-did good and may you keep doing well =)!

  • People of color. I saw you on there I think you said you were native but I was like HEY - HOMIE G! Hahahaha! But seriously, what they did in those camps is fucking awful and I’ve met a handful (and by a handful I mean a handful cause it’s not like there’s a “thriving native population”) of people who are descendants of those boarding schools and they’re fucked up to this day. It’s crazy how being removed from your home and culture - then being left to “fend for yourself” after being “normalized” can lead to oodles of inter-generational trauma.

    I was just saying hey cause I’m mixed on both sides but my ma’s side is part-Hawaiian and they tried to crush us too. (Among others, also Japanese American and we know what happened there.)

  • Hey, that’s pretty cool. I am not sure at what age things get better but at least you’ll be out of the woods at some point? Do your kids share a room? Cause I was the oldest, but nightmares would always lead to us calming each other down and I was happy to be in close proximity when I was younger. It kinda helped in a “pack-mentality” sort of way. Cause no boogieman would dare take multiple children, but alone? You’re dead!

    I hope you guys have your ways to find rest =)

  • Yoooasf;klahflkhfafksh!!! Legit like a freakin’ lightbulb here! I mean this might be absolutely bonkers but what if you could switch the way things are displayed like “light/dark” mode and create an accessibility revolution!? Then just code things to hide or show depending on what the individual selects. And you can set a default view in your profile? Idk, maybe that’s like trite, but I feel like if more sites offered cleaned up minimal views I would use them. That gucci mobile view is so choice. When I see a readable mobile site it’s like butter to my eyes because it’s so easy to read and I’ve got one of those Amoled screens (and a phone bigger than my hand =_o!) so it looks so slick!

    10/10 you can get those grants. You can also get help building it if you need by checking out cool websites like this one that are run by exceptional human beings. But it’s also totally cool if that doesn’t sit well with you. And 100% learning things can be brutal because we both need an incredible amount of guidance but also the space to learn our own way. And I know my ass learns, thinks, communicates most def differently than others because <<<< Look at all this =P! I’m hyped for you though, seriously. You ever need someone to toss stuff around, I’m here =)!

  • My guy, I hope you find your something. I can’t even imagine what life would be like riding high on testosterone. I’d probably smash every bone in my body at some point. I’m glad I am just impassioned and not blindly raging. Cause legitimately, things have for sure gotten crunchier out there and it takes some real strength to realize how unimportant so much of it is. Yo, you seem like a real character foreals. You ever think about getting in to some kinda martial arts? Cause one guy I met who was an old-dog former military type had those fabulous cauliflower ears (you know which ones I’m talking about) but he seemed calmer than anything. And maybe finding your way to something like that might legit connect you to that primal thing you liked about the military =)! Also the reason why I said what I said is because I know PTSD is a bitch and legitimately I’ve heard both young men and military men kill themselves are a higher rate than others and I just wanted to say keep yourself safe cause you seem like a good guy who’s going through it and I know when you’re going through it stuff can get cloudy.

    I know you’re not old, hahahaha! But I also know you’re not a spring chicken =)! Always fun to talk to you, my brother hahahaha!

  • Oh yeah for sure this stuff comes from intergenerational trauma. My grandfather (not by blood, but by upbringing) was a horrible wretched soul. My grandmother was a saint, and I’d pop anyone who says otherwise =P! (Okay that was a joke, I pass a fist) But legit I heard this man was some kinda monster and I honestly do not know how many people he’s hurt big picture but I do know that his ripples can be felt even after his death. And I talked about this once before but it was crazy how all roads led to “fag” and men weren’t allowed to be or do anything for generations based on those limitations. Things have kinda changed, but it’s still not there. Aww man, my dad had levels of rage. I am still terrified of that man to this day. Even though I know logically - what’s he gunna do? But I can still go back there. But I mean I think we can do that with all sorts of emotions and memories are just kinda like that - you can go back to what you remember. And yeah, same here - if he was mad at something else hot damn he’d take it out on us. Was a mess. I am glad you reconnected and got to a place where you could sorta heal that image in your head and gain some more closure. I hear that’s the upside of all the chaos, but I think in my case I’m just gunna let sleeping dogs lie. Cause I really don’t have much else I can do. And the few times I have tried to reconnect with him over the phone he started getting mad a couple minutes in. Which stinks because one of my sibbies kinda has that flamey temp too. And they’re both bigguns’ (and I am the size of a pinkie =P!)

    Hahaha, nah man - that running beat (which most def had to be inspired by call and response negro spirituals) is solid. I picked it up right off the bat. One of the only military folks I know now - that’s their thing too. They got out and all they do is run, helps them feel connected to things. But I think they listen to electronic stuff, but it could follow a similar beat you know? Structure is almost impossible to follow to a T with ADHD. I cheat by changing things up just enough that it doesn’t drive me bonkers. A simple example would be like going one road over on your circuit next week to see different things. Helps keeps stuff interesting.

    Being on-call is a poop. I think you’re supposed to get paid extra for that, and people are on some bs because they’re always trying to figure out how to weasel the most “productivity” out of someone while paying them the absolute least they can get away with. Legit, it sounds like you know what you want. And it sounds like you’ve got tons of passion and energy. I straight heave (on the low-low) heard of a lot of devs smashing dual-gigs and raking in the cash then investing that and getting out of the rat-race early.

    That ADHD site could be money, bc legit if you’ve got it you know how it is when you’re out here trying to learn and stuff is all over the place. One thing I will warn though, is that it seems there’s two camps. I NEED MORE INFORMATION ALL THE TIME NOW, NOW, NOW and - I need this cleaned up and in tiny bites please. I’d look into the science of it all but I do know that there’s a huge issue transfering short term -> long term so clean information is really important. I was reading this site based off an article I can’t seem to find anymore (???) cause the post is gone. But the design was so choice on mobile because it was so clean and easy to read. And I always get so frustrated trying to read stuff outside of “reader” mode because most designs are too much. And it’s why I like PieFed cause it’s relatively (the threads are a bit smooshed together horizontally so I don’t always get it) easy to read. But ne ways, you’re gunna be fine one way or another. If you have too much trouble flex your military and coding experience and utilize it to get a gig. Cause sometimes you gotta use your edge to get ahead if the fish aren’t biting. And it’s pretty rough right now all things considered.