Americans marry early. And often.
Americans marry early. And often.
Looks about right. Those that I have seen on this list were mediocre at best, and a far cry from the quality of the previous movie(s) which would have been fine being left alone.
She actively plotted and traveled to get revenge and clearly didn’t act in self defense. While it’s easy to be sympathetic to her story, her guilt seems difficult to deny.
Nah they are “illegal migrants”. There are places you can go and some you can’t and that applies to everyone. There’s a wide gap between “compassion” and “free for all anything goes”.
“We are gonna make mankind happy even if we have to exterminate half of it!”
And also send to the gulag all those who oppose their inept program. You can make anything look nice if you omit all the negative stuff.
Intel has also made a similar blunder by trying GPUs and abandoning them (they got there early with the i740, then Larrabee). Saving a few dollars by gutting emerging products line has cost them billions
The good thing about a calorie deficit is that it always works. Unless your body somehow escapes the laws of physics or you developed the power of photosynthesis, you WILL lose weight if you eat less than your caloric needs.
But worse for those looking for a rental.
Rent control is a bandaid on a real problem that makes things worse long term. What California needs is build more, which means end the NIMBY and unfreeze property taxes so those seating on underutilized land are forced to develop it or sell.
The set-point theory is junk science propagated by the HAES movement. Human bodies can’t escape the laws of physics, if you eat less energy than you expand you’ll lose weight unless your body somehow evolved the ability for photosynthesis or nuclear power.
Doesn’t change anything to Oxfam doing cherry picking.
Those two months do skew the numbers. Why do you think they specifically picked March and not January as anybody else would?
You can defend your opinions without having to manipulate the numbers.
Get off your soap box, I just pointed out that Oxfam numbers are manipulated.
Ah the yearly Oxfam cherry picked data. For this one, they say “since 2020” but really this is “since Mars 2020 when the stock market was crashing and hitting incredible lows”, which helps inflate their click-baity figures.
I learned the same lesson the same way 😞
I personally love it. Being able to search “Tom at the beach drinking a cocktail” and get all the relevant pictures is magic.
That is really playing with words… Android (the OS people run on their phone) was originally developed by a company bought by Google, which then funded it, made the overwhelming number of contributions to it for 19 years, does the marketing, certification plus all the non-open source elements that make the experience what 99.99% of users get everyday when they use their phone.
But all “successes” are gonna be years old. You don’t turn something like Chromebook into an overnight success. It takes years for an ecosystem to grow, users to find use cases, software revisions to polish the product, word of mouth, etc.
For comparison the Apple watch came out in 2015 and Airpods in 2016. What other successes has Apple had in the past 7 years? Maybe their AR thing will take off, but if it does it’s probably 5-10 years from becoming a mass market product.
Android? Google Photo? Google Pixel? Google Pay? Google Apps? Chrome? Chromebook? Google Drive? Chromecast? Android Auto?
They launched a ton of successful stuff since Maps came out in 2005
Agreed, some murders and rapists get less than 5% of this sentence. The issue is consecutive jail terms where one “big crime” is cut into many crimes so that each adds to the total.