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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2022


  • You’re better of buying Chinese brands through whatever store that promises a long warranty.

    When my (After)Shokz headphones broke, I wanted to repair them. I could do so in China, but in the West they just redirected me to the store that sold them to me. Lenovo and DJI are probably the best, but that’s because these are brands that have a large market share and will have local service centers. So if you’re going for phone brands such as Xiaomi or Huawei, better to send them a mail and just ask what happens if your device dies.

  • I tend to answer the Russia/Ukraine question as such:

    Support Russia? No, we’d rather see Ukraine remain independent of foreign interference. We don’t support the military occupation of Ukraine by Russia, and neither do we want to see Ukraine become a US puppet and end up an eternal battering ram to be used against Russia. We don’t want to see the sacrifice in lives of many more tens of thousands of people that is happening now. This conflict won’t get solved with more bullets, only with more talks, just as every other modern conflict. We want to see deescalation, and to stop fueling the oligarch that rake in the mega profits from the ever growing war machine on both sides of this conflict.

    The question that stumps me with Westerners is: do you denounce Hamas?

    Taking the Geneva Convention route or using the ICJ answer, or even talking about the history, just end up with them screaming at me.

  • If you don’t enjoy doing your hobby unless you’re producing something of substance that can help you receive praise from others. Is it really a hobby you do for the sake of personal enjoyment and growth or just something you think society views as a worthwhile past time you’ve latched onto just to get validation?

  • elevenlabs

    Going by their pricing model I’d have to pay $330 at mininum going by my listening habits… What the.

    $22 a month for 2 hours. That’s crazy! It’d be cheaper for me to hire an actual person with these prices. I was thinking of like $10 a book. They’re asking at least ten-fold…