I mean, if you only look at visuals, Pyramid Head is just a dude in a costume. Pretty tame by “hear me out” standards.
I mean, if you only look at visuals, Pyramid Head is just a dude in a costume. Pretty tame by “hear me out” standards.
Someone once told me that the Mug root beer mascot looks like a right-wing boomer’s fursona, and now I can’t unsee it.
It’s a well established fact that Nightwing has the nicest ass in comics.
P.S. The best thing about being bi is being able to lust after Nightwing’s and Raven’s asses. 🤤
Yup, making them related without removing any of the subtext. So they went from being lesbians to being incestuous lesbians.
The kind of code an idiot would put on their luggage.
Something I came across after having to have glass removed from my hand: there’s no specific term for a doctor that specializes in hands.
Personally a fan of the Sonic Screwdriver, because I like my drinks like I like my ladies: sweet, bubbly, geeky as hell, and able to knock my ass out.
2 parts Sprite
2 parts orange juice
1 part vanilla vodka
1 part Blue Curaçao
Combine and serve in a highball glass on the rocks.
I remember coming across a post of tumblr where someone said that if a guy says his favorite movie/tv show is Breaking Bad, Rick and Morty or Fight Club, you should run immediately.
The reason was that while these are good works exploring complex, broken and often violent men, a certain subset (the kind of people who would claim that one of those was their favorite of all time) doesn’t have the reasoning ability to understand that they’re the villains of their universe and should not be idolized.
Rorschach easily fits within the same mold as Tyler Durden, Rick Sanchez and Walter White, a complex and entertaining protagonist who’s also a terrible person who no one should want to be.
I had the idea for some Don Quixote style story where your average isekai fanboy gets summoned to another world, and it’s the job of a member of the royal guard to protect this guy. The fanboy is a delusional, socially inept, weak lech who is convinced he’s the main character of an eroge, and the knight (the actual protagonist) has to try and keep this idiot from getting himself killed (like explaining that peeping on the princess while she’s bathing would most likely result in execution, not a “meet-cute”). Hijinks ensue.
See: every slasher movie ever.
At this point, it’s just easier to assume that anytime you see four panels in a 2x2 box, it’s loss.
M&M’s commercial for the pretzel ones. Apparently even candy commercials have a fucking wiki nowadays.
What’s the difference between a BMW and a porcupine?
The porcupine keeps its pricks on the outside.
I mean, yeah. Like ninety percent of Batman’s rogues gallery are just mob bosses with a gimmick. He’s a street level superhero, that’s about how much you can reasonably take on when your superpowers are martial arts and money.
A stopped clock is still right twice a day.
Let’s also add on that humans used a tactic called “persistence hunting”, in which you follow after some animal at a brisk pace startling it every time it tries to rest. With nothing more than sweat glands, pointy sticks and ridiculous endurance, we marathon jogged some species to extinction!
When you write your letter to Santa, but you’re dyslexic.