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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Did you read that article? It states that her opponents said she was at fault, however neither the police who ran the lab nor the levels of associates in between her and the police lab informed her of the problem. When she did get the news, she took time to figure out if it was true and then dismissed 1000 cases that could have been tainted by that action, and took responsibility for not putting a written document in place about how to do something that was legally required and which the crime lab or the associates in between could also be legally required to do.

    It doesn’t point to being a corrupt attorney, it points to a failure in several rungs of responsibility below her which it made clear she wasn’t informed of (she wasn’t cc’d on any email discussing the unreliability of the crime lab worker). She dealt with the problem when it was clear it was the crime lab/prosecution at fault and took overall responsibility for not having a specific memo saying how they prosecutors we’re supposed to uphold their legally binding duty to inform.

    That’s the system fucking up and the person at the top doing damage control and their job. Again, not evidence of corruption unless you only read the title and first paragraph where surprisingly the prosecutors in charge of those cases didn’t get named or shamed, because it was politically expedient to hit the person at the top.

  • It’s not “immigrants should stay out because they bring disease”, it’s “we have a pandemic and our immigration centers are packed which makes it more likely that people immigrating catch something that’s already here or that someone brings with them, causing a further strain on already strained medical staff and resources that would lead to further deaths”

    It’s not pretty but it had nothing to do with “immigrants are bringing disease” unless you were watching exclusively conservative media.

    In light of the first one, where is evidence that the people she kept in prison were innocent of all charges and that they were being kept due to her wishes as prosecutor and not the slow nature of our judicial system considering judge appointments were being choked until conservatives held positions to ensure a massive wave of conservative judges filled those roles?
    Where is the evidence that those jailed were exclusively black to support your claim that she hates all black people?

    And where is the evidence that you need a full year and a half of campaigning for someone who has current governing experience as part of the current party and is literally the second in line for president should anything bad happen to the current president? Why is four months too short when it has deprived the main opposition with a ton of financial resources in now-ineffective campaigning against someone no longer running and a short time to pivot to something about the new candidate?

    Any evidence at all or still just your beliefs leading to your assumptions?

  • Most of the container potato setups I see use a lot of sand and straw which I thought would help with the fungal growth, though they’re usually set up in something like a large trash can with an air layer of insulation around since it hold heat less than rocks but the white block idea with sunken drip line sounds intriguing. We get a lot of clay in my area, but it’s also pretty rainy most of summer so I would probably need some sort of sensor in the soil to figure out when it’s dried enough for more watering. Thanks for the response!

  • You had many takes in there, ones that I disagreed with were mostly due to lack of supporting evidence such as:

    She hates black people (I mean I guess you could say the blm protest jailings could be that, but I don’t see a narrow window of action as being definitive evidence of a belief)

    She is as crazy as Trump (even if all your takes were true, that’s still a molehill being compared to a mountain)

    Trump is being handed the election (again no supporting evidence considering that in polling she held within the error margin of Biden pre debate)

    And lastly, that she has been less visible than Biden or Pence (though mostly due to how much we were laughing at Biden for ice cream gaffs, or how much we were being appalled by Pence’s history that was coming to light)

    I also don’t agree with the take that she hates immigrants considering it was one action that she was lambasted for despite being asked to do so by the current president, and being less offensive in action than the former president. I will admit that I didn’t like that particular action but same with the “she hates all black people” I don’t see evidence of a history of actions to support that claim.

    There’s probably more but I’ll stop there for now.

    Now if you wanted to support any of those takes with actual evidence such as a history of actions that lead to that belief, we could have a discussion about it. However you seem intent on jumping to assumptions so I don’t expect that to happen.

  • Ehhh, it was during the pandemic when the border was closed for stupid reasons but she actually went out and tried to get people to stop coming so that they wouldn’t create more of a health crisis in overcrowded areas.
    And then got shit on it by the group that put the border closure in effect. And has since changed her tune once the closure was no longer in effect.

    Just literally doing VP stuff that was deemed necessary at the time which she got a lot of visibility for, which you seem to have clearly ignored or missed. Also love that you had nothing to say to the other response with 5 clear examples, but came to shit on the one with 1.

  • I have a tiny yard in the south and it’s pretty much paved so container is the only way I can go until (if?) I manage to buy a house with a plantable area. Currently have some citrus in containers producing, a bunch of basil, tomatoes, and some various sprawlers like squash. I wish I had the space to put them all in the ground but I gotta work with what I have. Usually use heirloom seeds or hardware starter plants but gotta pick varieties that are good for containers so I don’t get that many options. I figured that potatoes would still be productive in the seasons when tomatoes aren’t growing on the branches due to heat or cold but I could be wrong since i’m still learning a lot.

  • Have you tried a grafted cherry tomato/white potato plant? I’ve been looking at trying it out just because growing two produces with “one plant” seems really interesting to me and I’ve read a bit about how they’re closely related enough that you can graft the tomato to the top of the potato plant.
    Also trying to get more people into container gardening and it seems like a good space saver.