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Jumping on the bed against medical advice
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Which would give the impression that the local police was not prepared with evidence to plant on him.
.json would possibly make them invisible too
Our entire economy has become this sociopathic.
I don’t think that it has recently become sociopathic. It was certainly much worse in the past with the genocide of the Americas and slavery of Africans. I would argue that the ethics of the economy have improved, but the general public has become increasingly aware of how unjust it is.
You think that a lone assailant had more money than the CEO of one of two branches of the 9th largest company in the world by revenue and largest health insurance company in the US? And if so, why wouldn’t he have hired a hitman with all that money instead? Or just paid for medical bills out of pocket? Or just had his own doctor that only served him and prescribed whatever he wanted?
It seems to me that social media, through the implementation of posts, likes, up- & down- votes, boosts, re-tweets, and etc., has created an unconscious universal belief that everyone gets a say on what and who is right or wrong through public idolizing or shaming. Masses of people that hold much worse opinions on a daily basis criticize others for saying or doing something that is divergent and exposed. People in the public are held to an undefined standard of perfection. In practice, people assess if they like someone or not, then surgically find anything to support that conviction. Without a bond to the figure or personal consequences to the castigator, understanding and compassion are prevailed over by resentment and hypocritical airs of moral superiority. Public figures become the target of everyone’s unresolved unconscious personal social gripes.
Why would he be carrying all of the evidence including handwritten motives, the same fake ID and firearm with him to McDonald’s after days of being on the run? If he really wanted a ghost firearm, he could have had a second one that fired another caliber. Why would he still be wearing a face mask to make him look exactly like the pictures that were released and triggering people to think of him?
Either this guy wanted to get caught, or we’re not getting the full story.
They asked him to pull his blue medical mask down and “recognized him immediately” Frye said. “We didn’t even think twice about it, we knew that was our guy.”
How? That guy could have come up to and knocked on my door, told me he was the guy while showing me the picture of him at Starbucks, and insisted he was the dude, and I still would have serious doubts. How the hell did someone at McDonald’s recognize him, call the police, and the police knew it was the suspect instantly with complete confidence?
History will absolve him
I forgot to switch accounts
If I remember correctly, the YT channel ASAPScience said that making 10-15 queries on ChatGPT consumes 500mL of water on cooling down the servers alone. That’s how much fresh water is needed to stop the machine from over heating alone.
This is super tone deaf. If I were an executive, I’d be pretending I don’t exist.
This just keeps getting better.
So the guy knows they know who he is, but also knows they don’t know who he is?
Maybe it’s a fairness strategy? Rather than show everyone the same list so that only the top 3 get all the clicks, they rotate them to spread the traffic.
Ladybird looks cool. It’s the first ever newsletter I have ever knowingly signed up for.
How do you do that?
We are all created equal. Some are created more equal than others.
They’d probably get tips if the offer were for free lifetime healthcare at the quality he got.
Even with location off, couldn’t the cell provider track him using his phone connections by triangulating the latency between at least three cell towers? They may not get a location as precise as GPS, but they’d be close enough. I guess there could be an app that creates false latency in order to throw off cell providers, but that seems extreme and possibly illegal. Unless configured, it would also give odd locations to the cell provider which may trigger further investigation. “John Doe was in Long Island 3 minutes ago, and now they’re in Newark. That’s unusual.” To go completely off of the grid, a person would have to not log into anything and also have no cell phone. They’d have to go back in time to the early 90s using maps, notebooks, and public phones.