• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2022


  • The reason why the healthcare system is parasitic is because it is controlled by the bourgeoisie and so it serves their interests. We must control it or create an alternative and protect it from the state. As per always the creation of proletarian power starts with unionization and organizing a radical proletarian political party. This is the work to be done to counteract, change, or create conditions.

    This is why we see so many unionization efforts underway, from Marxists to anarcho syndicalists, to the preexisting labor bureau/aristocratic unions expanding and striking. This conversation has already been had. It’s a race to unionize.

    A similar race is taking place in the political sphere however this race is much more competitive than the union race. This is because there are many ‘false prophets’, wolves in sheeps clothings operating so as to sabotage our class’ efforts towards liberation.

    Digressing, the work is already being carried out, our task is to continue this work and intensify it by building our organizations and thus our class’ potential power. For this power to be realized and utilized it must be guided in a revolutionary manner.

  • Slogans

    CIA: “Get in the -white- blacked out van, we have -candy- drugs”

    DEA: “Where the cartels go to learn how to smuggle drugs!”

    NED: “We love freedom and democracy” (snorts things which legitimize the concept of freedom in their minds, shoots democracy in the face)

    Speaking of snorting things which create grandiose delusions…

    Zelensky: “The victory is coming…just like the dragons in Game of Thrones, the victory is on it’s way…but I just need more money…for weapons…white powdery weapons of mass delusion…I mean destruction!”

    CPUSA: “We’re definitely not reactionary opportunists in bed with the democrats…btw don’t forget to vote for the democrats!”

    NATO: “We’re a “defensive organization”…if you obliterate the entire definition of defense and replace it with a picture of a monkey scratching his ballsack”


    Democrats: “Have you heard about this thing that sucks? Let me tell you how I’m not going to do anything about it. Actually, I’ll stop you if you try to do anything about it too…also fuck the republicans, they’re everyone bad from us to Putin to Satan except for when we’re talking about Putin then he is still Putin but also a republican/every republican and sometimes also the left who we try to make our base but could really give a shit less about because they aren’t bourgeois and those are the only people we even care to try and persuade with any real material concession…we just lie to the prols, then smack them on the noses like a bunch of stupid animals. Big dumb and stupi…wait is this thing still on?..Shit! Um…um…RUSSIA DID IT!!! Russia did it and I will gaslight the ever-living fuck out of you until you either believe it or there’s so much bullshit going on in the social strata that no one can organize an actual response to my bullshit. Yay, tyranny! Er- I mean dEmOcRaCy!!1!”

    Republicans: “…What the democrats said/did but also fuck minorities. Guns and Jesus and stuff…”

    Elon/Trump: “Let me show you why you can trust me” (sells a pile of bullshit then proceeds to fuck everyone over)

    Gates: “This is why I’m NOT a weird anti-social sociopath” (proceeds to be a weird sociopath but in a social manner) “Welcome to my humble abode…whoops, mind the landmines! Have a seat on my couch made from refugee skins, you might feel a pinch, that’s just Cortana taking a DNA sample”

  • My thoughts? There’s not enough of it. Also that this type of media is new so it will take years for it to be finely tuned. The results from consuming proletarian media should be:

    • increased class consciousness
    • increased understanding of Marxist political theory
    • reduced apathy
    • increased organizing via it’s consumers

    Lastly, organizations responsible for this content have a class responsibility to maintain their class membership. As commodities become popular under capitalism, companies which produce it grow and as they do so their class membership changes from proletarian to labor aristocrat or even bourgeoisie. Marxist economic organizing of these organizations are required to keep them “true to their word and goals” so to speak.