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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’m not quite sure how this would done in a timely-er fashion. Signage in the stores? In theory, anyone paying with plastic could have been contacted through the card company.

    That would involve the manufacturer alerting the store, the store alerting all the various card companies, then the card companies alerting the customer. That’s a lot of infrastructure to keep running and to do so fast enough that the customer finds out within a day or two of the recall.

    Expensive. Worthwhile given the potential to save lives or hospital stays, but you know how companies are.

    This would also involve admitting all your purchase history is collected and stored in a way that is not anonymized, which I don’t think people would quite like to be explicitly told about.

  • Not exactly related to this article but, I looked this judge up on Ballotpedia, and found this funny little tidbit.

    Judge Merchan handed the Trump Organization a $1.6M fine in that tax case a couple years ago. The District Attorney for Manhattan, Alvin Bragg, said:

    “While corporations can’t serve jail time, this consequential conviction and sentencing serves as a reminder to corporations and executives that you cannot defraud tax authorities and get away with it.”

    What a head of cabbage. As if a couple million dollars is anything to these corporations. These fines need to be double digit percentages of revenue before they get viewed as anything other than a line item on the expense report.

  • If you take a look at geologic time, we’ve had huge climate swings… I think it’s far more likely that it’s just sunspot activity, or something just in the geologic eons of time where we have changes in the climate.


    Below is my original comment and my initial edit. I’d thought to leave the original at the top, but that appears to be a mistake as people aren’t reading the edit I made at all, just seeing the jist of the quote and probably getting annoyed - and rightfully so.

    Anyway, for posterity:

    If you take a look at geologic time, we’ve had huge climate swings… I think it’s far more likely that it’s just sunspot activity, or something just in the geologic eons of time where we have changes in the climate.


    In my haste, I skipped formatting and linking in this comment after my client crashed a couple times.

    Above is a quote from renown buffoon, Ron Johnson.

    This is the original article the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal wrote after the interview, and here’s the two minute video they took of him saying it.

  • Seems to me a bulk of your standpoint is not wanting greedy people to suck up profits from the people doing the actual work. I agree. Where we disagree, I think, is how this could be accomplished. A non profit makes sense. There is a method (pdf warning) for the board to convert to for profit while retaining assets, which would be a sad move. Not so sure it would turn scandalous, given everything else that goes on these days, but I’m sure the creators on the platform would have something to say about such a move. If it ever happened, I would hope they would abandon ship so to speak.

    Though like you say, when the service turns that direction, subscriptions could be cancelled and we could subscribe to another one. This raises a question that I hadn’t considered until now. You mention this isn’t some idealistic option, that it’s something that’s already been done. So what’s it called? I’ve never heard of a registered non profit YouTube competitor that does what we’re talking about, let alone a few of these organizations to allow people the possibility of bouncing between them.

    If I can’t go subscribe to these services right now, because they don’t exist, then surely we are talking about an idealistic scenario. If they do exist, I would love to subscribe to them instead of talking about them in the abstract. I’m sure it’s no surprise that I like Nebula, but I’ll check out alternatives.

    You’ve made me realise something about Nebulas proportional cut. While it is based on watch time, I’d thought it was cut on a user to user basis. For example (let’s ignore the operating costs for ease), if you only watched one creator in a month, that creator would get the entire $2.50 share of your subscription. Or, if you watched an hour of video from two creators, each would get $1.25.

    After looking at the info on their site again, I’m not sure why I thought this. They only say that it’s based on view time. Which could mean they look at site wide view times instead of per user, and divvy up the money that way. Off the top of my head, I’m not sure this would make much of a difference, but it feels like it would. I’ll do a bit of math later to see.

  • I believe your point was that non profits are superior. My counter was simply that, yes, they are superior to a public company, however they are not infallible to fact that people run them, and people are corruptable.

    Forgive me but I’m not sure what to say about the second bit there. Nebula being created and owned by people that needed something like it in the first place is not ideal? Or not because of the people specifically, but because of its closed sourced design and profit sharing ratio? Maybe I’m misunderstanding you.

    At the end of the day, I would prefer each creator host their own content on their own site, with it being sort of subscribable through an RSS feed or similar so people can use whatever front end they want. Like how podcasts work. Have a feed for sponsorships available for free, and a paid feed with no sponsorships and maybe bonus content.

    I’d not heard of Ko-fi, but it looks interesting. On the face of it, it’s pretty close to what I described above without the creatives themselves having to fuss about with the technical details of hosting all their content. I’ll look into it more another day, thanks.

  • I understand it’s expensive to facilitate streaming, though between the 15 billion from Premium subscribers to the 30 billion in ad revenue, it’s not hard to imagine they make a few billion after costs. I’m not trying to say it’s half of Alphabet’s income or anything.

    Unfortunately, it’s not something anyone outside of the executive suite can say with a single degree of certainty since Alphabet doesn’t make it known one way or the other.