Soon to be OrangeLand…damn that’s nuts.
Soon to be OrangeLand…damn that’s nuts.
That res will allow you to see all the shit on TV peoples face - pores, scars, liver spots, 3 mm of make up, semen, etc.
The quality of the meats confirms this thought.
Snap it in half over your knee.
Forcing the scapular so amazingly together ?
Vance is like, “yo. Wtf, man?”
Correct. I just wish they pulled the camera back so that we could scope those shiny obliques.
Grandpa with a pace-maker is gonna be happy!
Harambe superposition: dicks are both in and out.
As long as you keep the cheese scarf in check, HR is typically ok with it.
Answer: not enough. Sub-sub-thought: of those people, how many open the door at 0:01 to avoid the bell?
Clearly Santa knows science to be able to visit all of those houses, hauling that massive load, all in one night.
Fucking Leahy (RIP) would’ve given Musk a run for his money.
Soon to be Red-White-Blue-land and the 52nd state because obviously they’re gonna snatch Canada on the way there. I can the Trailer Park Boys having a role in the future Trump cabinet.
What side is the fan on? Is he getting lint all up in that mamabored?
It’s obvious she’s not an atheist because they never cry. Ever.
No such things. These are professional/s.
I can smell this garden and it’s glorious. Ohmmm