One thing I’ve learned this election cycle is how few people have any knowledge of utilitarianism. Genocide is better than genocide+1. Not acting is a moral choice, and frequently a cowardly one.
One thing I’ve learned this election cycle is how few people have any knowledge of utilitarianism. Genocide is better than genocide+1. Not acting is a moral choice, and frequently a cowardly one.
I would like to add that a suppressor can render certain specialized firearms nearly silent if they are used in conjunction with subsonic ammunition. A suppressor can deaden the sound of the initial explosion, but a supersonic bullet will continue to create a sonic boom as it flies through the air. A subsonic round doesn’t create a sonic boom and as a result nearly all of the sound of firing comes from the initial explosion. If that explosion is well sealed and is funneled through the right supressor, nearly silent operation can be achieved. A good example of this is the Welrod used during World War Two, which was quiter than an airsoft gun and was only really audible at point blank range.
TLDR, how quiet a gun gets with a suppressor is determined by the ammunition, the type of firearm, and type of suppressor. Suppressed gunfire can range from as loud or louder than a nail gun to as quiet as a sneeze.
This really entirely depends on the woman. I’m a lesbian and I love to orgasm and don’t feel satisfied until I do. My girlfriend is the opposite and is more there for the journey. She is indifferent to achieving an orgasm and can be satisfied without one.
Just got really into her, I absolutely love what she does with her voice. I just received her second album on cassette.
The metalcore band Harm. IMO better than Spiritbox but only has like 3000 montly listeners on Spotify.
As a trans woman who dates t4t, this is basically 50% of their names.
I really appreciate strings in general, but no instrument can emotionally move me like the violin. A melancholic violin section in an already sad song is a surefire way to make me tear up. I’ve never been very good at playing any instrument, but I’ve been tempted to pick up the violin to see if it feels as good to play as it does to hear.
I’m a woman and I’m lesbian for femboys.
NGL, this was by far the worst episode of that show that I’ve seen. It kinda ruined my binge watching of the show for the first time and I didn’t watch any more for a while. There was a lot of causal transphobia that I wasn’t expecting. I’m aware that it wasn’t specifically about trans people but the vibes were not good.