Okay but tbf starship didnt have a payload, unless you count the banana.
I think you mean relations with a young woman… fuck me I can’t even be facetious cause our media actually reports like that.
Hey I was just lookin into Immich, whats some hoops or caveats before I have to debug like I had to with Frigate?
So whos the pedo now Elon?
I won’t ever get over him larping as a child and tweeting as if he’d want himself as a father.
He has a kid so, yes.
Fuck off thats my William
That is true as well. My state still had mail in so personally I found it no more easier or difficult. Pardon for being shouldacouldawoulda, but in that case vote accessiblilty should’ve been a top priority for the dems after all of the 2020 bs.
In my humble opinion it was no larger a part than any other potential matter. I mean we’re still counting and it has inched closer… nowhere to hope, but I genuinely believe if everyone turned out to vote, we wouldnt have to worry this stuff so much
[Demographic] is always going to ____ because they are ___ and have ___ values.
So, fill in the blanks with the most abhorent shit you can garner, I’ve got to listen to some nice vitriol myself. You see why generalization, is very much a slippery slope?
If you ever care to be a voice of reason and possibly convince people to vote in their own best interest despite being inundated with propaganda against so, then you will learn something from this.
Okay and again, how does this solve anything? People dont have to care about policy to know they don’t want more of the same. I get why you’re frustrated, but you can’t think you know this reason when I don’t even fully, but at the very least try not to be reductionist? Because it actively sabotages any progress to constantly infight on demographic blame.
I just noticed each of my notifications have been yours in order, I dont know if you want to prove your reasoning or are just here to argue, but I suggest you actually read about half of what Ive said if you genuinely care why reason lost this election.
7,000,000 less votes than Biden has is beyond any single percent margin in minority populations. Even if… what are you going to do? Harp on said demographics foe making the wrong choice for 4 years? Self righteousness ain’t gonna solve the lost vote. Ask why things happen once in a while.
How fucking quick media started pinning latino and black Americans smfh
No informed voter thought Trump would be better for Palestine than Kamala
That doesn’t change the dems abetting a regime currently committing a genocide. Don’t forget over half the nation doesn’t vote. It was never about changing already fixed or the elusive swing voters minds, it was about getting people out. Its a little harder to when the voter is aware of a moral conflict regarding their vote, regardless of your percieved political intentions of theirs. Are you doubting a significant amount of voters abstained? Because theres gotta be some reason trump had basically the same turnout while dems lost significantly.
It’s not popular to say “I like hierarchy and I want to be on top”. Many supporters of hierarchy claim they love “individual rights” when they really want privileges for themselves. That’s the reason why some people love the “Bill of Rights” but hate equality.
I don’t understand your point, is this in relation to conservative arabs?
I believe I conceded that some voters may have had sexism play a part, but being cynical and avoiding crtitique wont get the party anywhere. Its really easy to just say shit, but coming up with solutions is harder. So if its just sexism, I’d like to hear your 5 step plan to mend this qualm.
Biden and Harris have the exact same policies
Maybe that was part of the issue, when voters want change, how is that supposed to help?
The fact is those margins in the Hispanic community would barely make a dent on overall turnout? Hence, scapegoating.
Let me go ask my whole voting block brb
We cant split hairs on demographic turnout if overall turnout is way down from 2020, I mean we can make Latinos a scapegoat, but again we’re completely subverting critique that could actually help win an election.
Sorry now every time I see someone mentioning the “weird to follow the weird laws” pipeline I get unduly agitated at how fucking hard the DNC dropped the ball this cycle. Now I’m more than surprised as ever that Hilary won the popular vote with campaign managers like these.