And I don’t mean things you previously had no strong opinion about.

What is a belief you used to hold that you no longer do, and what/who made you change your mind about it?

    8 months ago

    Duh doy! That’s the point of them! They let people know who’s experiences lead them to be over sensitive to things so they can choose whether or not they avoid media. And that’s a good thing! Trigger warnings hurt no one and if you can’t spare literally three seconds at the start of something to protect someone else’s peace, you’re selfish and probably not a good community member.

      8 months ago

      When a person’s first exposure to an idea comes from an incurious, ignorant, or even actively malicious source it can take awhile for them to realize what they believed was wrong. It’s not always easy to realize that the source is bad, particularly as a young person without a lot of experience.

      I don’t think the tone of your comment is particularly useful in light of that fact. Otherwise I agree with your point.

      8 months ago

      how, how is it possible for me to know each persons triggers so i can warn them? even this discussion could be a trigger, did u preface ur comments with a warning? Its arrogant and only for spoiled privileged people to ask for trigger warnings. It takes 0 efford to stop talking or listening to what “triggers” you. just because ur entitled ass thinks that you are the center of the world and everyone should care about ur silly sensitivities doesn’t mean its going to happen. I swear only rich (relatively to the rest of the world) first world people have these arrogant and entitled demands.

        8 months ago

        Let me put things in this perspective.

        It’s not realistic to expect to be able to put trigger warnings for a large population of strangers on the internet. You’re right; when putting it in blanket terms like that, it is silly.

        However, there are two things where you could be mindful of others. The first are talking about highly prevalent and violent topics in detail: rape, csa, domestic abuse springs to mind. Things where you probably either know of, or have heard of, someone suffering long term as a direct result of the trauma these events inflict.

        But if that’s still too broad for you, then you should keep your close friends and family into consideration and talk to them if you know one of them has gone through an extremely difficult life event. If nobody in your personal circle has experienced such things, then like the other commenter said: I’m very happy for you and them. If someone has, then even just saying “Hey do you want a heads up if this topic comes up in our group chat?” is enough. Maybe they’ll say yes. Maybe they’ll say no. But now you know what their wishes are and can act accordingly with respect to that.

        Honestly that’s all people really want, I think.

          8 months ago

          i am someone that has had a very traumatic experience when i was 8, i don’t like going into details but it was one of the topics u talked about. I understand how it feels because i am feeling it.

          I believe that shielding yourself inside a bubble is never a good idea and its analogous to hidding under your blanket when you are scared, if someone got into your home, staying under your blanket might comfort you but ultimately it could get you killed. But in the end it’s your life so you are entitled to live it the way you choose as am i.

          What grinds my gears about “trigger warnings” is the way it’s beeing used lately where everyone has triggers about stupid things even though a lot of them never had any real serious trauma but they like the attention and playing the victim, hopefully you understand where im coming from.

          if something actually happened to you and you are just feeling too weak or not ready to deal with those feelings or fears then its understandable and we have all been there one way or another, its still not the right choice in my thinking but temporarily i 100% would do anything you asked until you were ready to move on. But you can’t be afraid of words forever that’s not something i would ever support.

          The issue for me is that for a lot of people getting triggered is not a temporary weakness but a way of life…

          I am sure im not getting my point across very well and i apologize for that. From your response i see you are trying to understand and im grateful.

            8 months ago

            Hey thanks for taking the time and trying to clarify. I don’t have much more to add to this conversation I think so that’s where my commentary ends but I did want to reach out to say I’m sorry you have been through some pretty terrible stuff–sending a digital hug your way. Hope you have a good rest of your day.