• sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I work in a field where “AI” has been all the rage for the last few years (cybersecurity). In my experience, if a vendor touts that their product uses “AI”, run. Run far, far away. The one thing AI is really good at is turning noisy data into a fuck ton of false positives. And I can’t imagine any noisier data than the noise in a city (pun not intended). Cities are a 24x7 cacophony of loud noise and you expect anything to pick out and triangulate gun shots? Sure, they are loud as can be, but that sound also reflects and there are lots of other loud sounds to deal with. And that doesn’t even touch on the problem of unscrupulous police forces using either bad data or just making shit up about the data to go harass people. Good riddance to bad rubbish.