Hey everyone.
So, the problem is that in order to launch Pro Rally 2001, you first need to launch the RallySetup.exe, so that the game would create a config file called ed3.ini. But I use Linux and am trying to run this game with Wine. And Wine seemingly can run the main executable, but not RallySetup.exe.
So, what I need is for someone who uses Windows to just install that game and then sned me that file ed3.ini. I don’t think I can tell you where to download the game, but it’s basically abandonware, so many websites have it.
So anyway, if you helped me, I’d be very grateful.
EDIT: Wow, I did not expect this many upvotes. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!
Unfortunately, the game still doesn’t work at the moment. I suppose I’ll have to just run a virtual machine for it. But I wouldn’t know if I didn’t try.
But this amount of support and such a quick response is so heartening. I don’t think I ever got this kind of response on Reddit with support requests.
Hi. I found this info on myabandonware.com:
Thanks, but I already installed the game though. The problem is with launching.