Whose responsibility is it to protect unhoused when it’s freezing outside? An Ohio pastor opened his church to the homeless and was charged by city.

  • TheLight@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    9 months ago

    Yup. Serve the body of Christ? Straight to jail. Your sermon is so boring someone dozes off, believe it or not, jail.

    Of course, this doesn’t really happen, through the magic of selective enforcement the only people getting the boot are those preventing the homeless from freezing to death, ruining the plans of the local administration.

    • gaifux@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      A pastor would not be “serving the body of Christ”, since transfiguration is a Roman Catholic heresy

      • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        You’re flatly wrong, across all of Christianity. Communion is one of the things that almost all Christians practice, however differently and whether they believe in transubstantiation or not.

        Jesus himself declared it his body, and that’s how they take it.

        Catholic/Orthodox believe it is the literal “body of Christ” (Catholics via transubstantiation, Orthodox never defined it), and Protestants tend to believe it is the symbolic “body of Christ,” but either way you slice the bread or tear the loaf or break the wafer, with or without a side of the “blood of Christ” au jus, across Christianity the act of Communion is dishing up the “body of Christ.”

        The pastor in the above article is clearly Protestant, so for him it would be a symbolic gesture as opposed to a transubstantiated substance, but if he’s feeding the hungry and opening his church doors to the freezing, he can likely also quote you the following statement of Jesus, word for word:

        Now while they were eating, Jesus took some bread, and after a blessing, He broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is being poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. – Matthew 26:26-28 NASB, see also Mark 14:22-24 and Luke 22:19-20

        Look at your syncretistic ass taking about “heresy” lol. Pot, kettle.

        EDITED TO ADD – And then I looked at the post history. This one was actually the high quality output, lol. Having now seen what kind of conversation this user seeks out and offers, I decided to be kind to my future self and wait til he creates yet another new account to get more of his posts.

        • gaifux@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          The doctrine of transfiguration is not the same thing as communion. When protestants take communion they are not under the belief they are eating the literal body of Christ. Instead it’s purely symbolic. Catholicism holds that your salvation literally hinges on eating that piece of bread and wine every week since they believe it is literally Christ’s body once it’s blessed. It’s like the literalist opposite of gnostic views

          • Notorious_handholder@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            Buddy you’re trying to nitpick something that no one cares about that still has the same result. At the end of the day the people will still be eating the cracker in a business zoned church.

            Whatever beliefs or arbitrary labels are held behind the gesture do not matter at all to what is being talked about