last time i got a haircut the barber lady was quite cute and chatty and in the middle of the haircut, this obnoxious song came on the radio over the PA whose lyrics were quite literally i’m falling in love with a stranger repeated 50 times, crystal clear, little instrumental backing even. and of course she could feel my breathing get quicker, she’s standing one foot from me and actively working on my hair. so that wasn’t awkward at all. and i am already a very quiet person who feels shame easily so it wasn’t great. i do love having my hair long however

    10 months ago

    Just wanted to say that doing what you did, putting yourself out there and sticking around even when it wasn’t girls night, was incredibly courageous. Props to you for taking the risk, and it seemed to work out great for you.

    Also, props to the other people who were so kind to you on the guys night.