• Scurouno@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    Ron Paul is essentially the father of the Tea Party wing of the Republicans, which with all of their “Stop Obama” campaigns and fear-mongering paved the way for Trump and the far-right turn of the GOP. His brand of Libertarianism revels in a house divided and non-working. He is a walking billboard for ‘starve the beast’ political ideology, where government programs are neutered to the point of being useless, and therefore justifying their cancelation. Ron Paul has helped to serve you the America you currently live in. Fuck Boy Ramaswamy is a pale comparison of Paul, in that he spouts some of the rhetoric, but I get the impression he has even less ideological fortitude, and is very much in it for himself. For all Ron Paul’s faults, he has been principaled in his politics (even if they are to the detriment of the country).