Just got the Steam Deck and have everything set up, but I found out that Nobara has a Steam Deck version of their distro. My question is: is it worth switching to Nobara SteamDeck Version or stay on SteamOS? Are there any other big differences other than Arch vs Fedora? Also, does it use KDE?

  • BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I’ve looked at what’s doable but not tried. I’ve come to the conclusion that as a bespoke bit of gaming hardware I’d rather have the bespoke software to go with it. If nothing else, I like the feeling that the “deck verified” emblem for my steam games applies, and when troubleshooting other games there are lots of people with exactly the same software and hardware as me to find help from.

    I like tinkering my steam deck is primarily a gaming device and I like that it just works when I want to use it.