Epic Games plans to give away 17 free games during its annual holiday sale for the Epic Games Store, the company announced on Wednesday.
Epic Games plans to give away 17 free games during its annual holiday sale for the Epic Games Store, the company announced on Wednesday.
Ok well people spend money on Fortnite and we get free games, that’s a good deal.
Finally people are starting to tune into this fact
Sadly people are losing sight that this is a strategy by a capitalist company to entice users onto their service.
Nothing good will come from that.
Uhh…free games?
Yarr, have I got news for you laddie.
Have fun playing single player games only 😂
I mean, I hate playing with internet randos anyway, so that’s not actually a downside for me.
Sounds like the problem is you, not “internet randos”. We are all human beings with thought, emotions and motivations.
Yes, thank you, I’m well aware that internet randos are people. And I like not having to deal with them while I’m unwinding. Why is that a “problem”?
Nah I have Steam.
Then you’re paying 🙄 lying ass
No? Pirate shit from Epic, pay for it from Steam. Support the infinitely better company with your wallet and don’t let Epic hold ‘exclusive’ content.