A court-ordered financial auditor has caught Donald Trump quietly moving $40 million from the Trump Organization into a personal bank account—seemingly so the former president could pay his whopping $29 million tax bill.

Trump isn’t supposed to be moving any money around without alerting Barbara S. Jones, a former federal judge in New York tasked with babysitting the Trump Organization for its relentlessly shady business practices. But on Wednesday, she notified a New York state court about some major bank transfers that were never brought to her attention by the Trumps.

  • FrostyTheDoo@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Wikipedia: A rhetorical question is a question asked for a purpose other than to obtain information. In many cases it may be intended to start a discourse, or as a means of displaying or emphasizing the speaker’s or author’s opinion on a topic

    The question wasn’t asked to obtain information. It was asked to emphasize the point of the post, and there was already another comment from an hour earlier asking the exact same question (scroll up in this thread.)

    Or do people really not know why Donald Trump is getting special treatment at this point? It’s the most obvious answer in America politics right now. It’s been clear that America has 2 criminal justice systems for centuries now, and Trump is clearly in the one where you don’t go to real jail, ever.

    The complaint that he deserves to be in jail is valid. I’m saying I prefer a thread where we talk about the topic of the article (what he did) and not a thread where every other comment is some variation of “this is ridiculous!” “Why isn’t he in jail!” “Call me when he’s actually in jail and I’ll listen!!!”

    It just gets old so I downvote the comments that I don’t want to see in every single thread, so other people that actually add to the conversation can get seen. But here I am wasting words on that exact thread, so I guess I learned to not take the bait and reply to a downvote whiner next time at all.

    • killeronthecorner@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      You’re confusing the information not being readily available with people not actual wanting it.

      You can prefer whatever you like in terms of discourse by scrolling past the parts you don’t like. It doesn’t mean you get to mislabel people’s questions to denigrate them. It’s intellectually dishonest.

      • FrostyTheDoo@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Man I’m allowed to downvote shit I don’t want to see at the top of every post. Like that’s why they put that functionality on this site, I am allowed to use it to vote on what’s the most relevant comment. You’re not the ruler of Lemmy.

        It was a redundant, pointless, low effort comment that repeated the one at the top of the thread so I downvoted it and I did scroll past it and move on without saying anything. Then the dude whined and labeled everyone downvoting him as a coward, presumably because he assumed they supported Trump (remember how you feel about people being mislabeled and denigrated?) so I corrected him about my reasoning. What the fuck is wrong with that?

        The irony of you not scrolling past my comment and instead chastising me is palpable.

        • killeronthecorner@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          JFC, I didn’t say not to downvote or to have literally any other honest opinion about it.

          Take your straw manning elsewhere, you can’t debate reasonably so we’re done here.