As a full time desktop Linux user since 1999 (the actual year of the Linux desktop, I swear) I wish all you Windows folks the best of luck on the next clean install 👍

…and Happy 30th Birthday “New Technology” File System!

    1 year ago
    • Near instantaneous snapshots and rollback (would help with system restore etc)
    • Compression that uses a modern algorithm
    • Checking for silent corruption, so users know if their files are no longer correct

    I’d add better built in multi-device support and recovery (think RAID and drive pooling) but that might be beyond the “average” user (which is always a vague term and I feel there are many types of users within that average). E.g. users that mod their games can benefit from snapshots and/or reflink copies allowing to make backups of their game dirs without taking up any additional space beyond the changes that the mods add.

      1 year ago

      I agree all those are nice things to have, and things I’d want to see in an update. Now how can you sell those features to management? How do these improve the experience for the everyday end user?

      I’d say the snapshots feature could be a major selling point. Windows needs a good backup/restore solution.

      It just seems like potentially a ton of work to satisfy the needs of “people who think about filesystems”, which is an extremely small subset of users. I can see how it might be hard to get the manpower and resources needed to rework the Windows default filesystem.

      I really have no clue how much work it takes though, so it’s just speculation on my end. I’m just curious; on one hand, I do see where NTFS is way behind, but on the other… who cares? I’ve somehow made it past 20 years of building WIndows PCs without really caring what filesystem I’ve used, from 95 all the way to 11.