Mark your calendars
Yay for more strikes!
Obligatory merchandising here, but you can support our union’s effort during the strike by buying some swags in the link below.
Thanks, esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie!
(I bought the stickers).
Thanks, esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie!
Finally. After all these months. Thank you.
I really want to believe it’s actually Margot Robbie. But I’m just a dog.
… in 5 years.
This is a really smart thing, though. Any unions that align contract dates with UAW and others who also do so, gains a huge lever to use both now and later.
He’s speaking as a union rep, I get what you’re saying but he just can’t call a general strike. It would take years alone to get different trade union contracts to align to expire on the same year to get what he wants to do across. For example I’m in a steelworker union and my contract expires in 2027. If we sign a new contract in 2027 and participate in a general strike it wouldn’t be backed by our union and could be punishable. However if they vote to extend the current contract 1 year near the end of the contract (very likely) we would actually have steelworkers and auto workers contracts expiring on the same year which could be interesting if these assholes actually communicated with each other union to union.
Sorry if you knew all this but I took your comment as in a “why not sooner?” or “what are they waiting for?” context so I felt compelled to answer.
5 years too late, we need action today. Let’s get it rolling sooner than that.
Word, why in 2028? I dropped $10 on bread today that used to be $6!!! (Allergies)
A general strike would result in the fall of the federal government. Secondary action is illegal because it’s so powerful. This is an interesting way to get around that, with every contract just happening to align with the other.
At this rate though, the federal government is about to result in the fall of the federal government.
I would blame the people who have stated publicly that they want the federal government to fall.
What does secondary action mean, in this context?
After primary action and just before tertiary action.
(Im sorry, I also dont know and Im just saving this spot for when someone actually explains it)
deleted by creator
This is awesome, but idk if they’re even printing 2028 calendars yet lol
Five years certainly seems distant. I think if no civil war starts in the next five years, then the Earth will just drop out of orbit and fall into the Sun.
We will be saved by the second coming of Harambe.
Already have my dick out.
Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time
… is this satire? Why the fuck would you give four years of warning for managers to document “a slow accumulation of poor performance” and other bullshit to shit can pro-union employees. A large strike takes coordination, but four years is ridiculous.
4 years seems reasonable to me. It takes most organizations six months to do literally anything outside the status quo. A general strike is an attempt to organize a coalition of federations of organizations.
Why the fuck would you give four years of warning for managers to document “a slow accumulation of poor performance” and other bullshit to shit can pro-union employees.
This is the reality of striking. The threat and build up to the strike are just as important as the actual strike, because it’s about more than just not going to work; it involves complex and wide-ranging logistical question, from how to support the strikers (otherwise corps can just wait you out) to how to decide on a single list of demands.
The very real threats you describe are what make outspoken union advocates awesome and brave people that we should all look up to, and it’s why we all have a responsibility to express solidarity and never cross a picket line. Together we bargain; alone we beg!
Solidarity and action requires communication. There’s NO way to coordinate that type of collective action and keep it secret.
Much better to say it loud and often to build support.
Read the article. The UAW has just signed a ~5 year contract, expiring in 2028. He’s calling for other unions, between now and then, to align their contract expirations with the UAW’s. This is not something that’s possible to do in a short period of time, because it relies upon various other union contracts ending, and realistically by the time we get to 2026/2027 no union is going to sign a sub-2 year contract.
It’s kind of dumb, I kind of think they’re doing it for PR, but it also is a reasonable strategy.
I imagine part of it is to try and take the time to gather as much support as possible, likely to include re-educating ground level bootlicker employees who hate unions and their own self interests.
Do you know how long union agreements usually last? 3-5 years.
Yeah, they are just letting the companies know that they will be ready for the next round and that they aren’t going to accept less than their value like they were in past negotiations.
That makes a lot more sense. Thanks!
IUOE Local 1 Standing by…
What does that mean?
International Union of Operating Engineers
Tiocfaidh ár lá Shawn Fein
Would be interesting. A peaceful general strike would lead to military intervention in about 45-60 days I think.