My closes brush with the law was years and years ago me and a friend ran into a bunch of cops while smoking a joint, we dropped the thing and played it cool and got away with some annoying questions.

What was your closest call?

    1 year ago

    I was driving home one night around 2am, I had just picked up an ounce and it was sitting in my trunk. I was about three blocks from home when I saw the flashing lights and was pulled over. I’m not proud to admit, and I’ve made it a point not to do it anymore, but I was extremely fucking baked at the time.

    So the cop walks up to me and asks if I know why he pulled me over. I was sweating fucking bullets, but I just kept a real calm demeanor, “No, officer, unfortunately I am unaware of my infraction.” Well as it turns out, I had a light out on my back left. I showed him the replacement bulbs I bought that day (two weeks ago in actuality) and told him I was planning on taking care of it the next morning.

    Gave me a verbal warning and sent me on my way… probably should have gone to jail that night, but I couldn’t believe I made it through without seeming stoned as fuck.