“What’s important when you’re in that hedge fund mode is to not do anything remotely truthful. Because the truth is so against your view, that it’s important to create a new truth to develop a fiction.”

  • MozooZ
    1 year ago

    He comes across as, truly, high on cocaine in the video (if you’ve done cocaine it’s pretty easy to spot), yet with a lot of self-restraint, while also showing something along the lines of resentment - and super-fucking-confident - as in he’s talking about stuff he really, probably, shouldn’t be, ya know man!?!? but totally will and is (bro! heh!) because he’s just that much of a badass - nothin’ can touch. There’s definitely an element of imparting wisdom to a younger crowd, too, I think. A sort of insider video that was only supposed to be watched by fresh-out-of-college new-hires.

    I dunno. Super weird video all around.

    Edit: I watched the video again and he’s not as “high” showing as I remembered. Maybe he’s not actively on coke in this, though all kinda get the vibe he is.