Outside of the SCC I have found that many try to “hold the mods accountable” and few know how to do that when a power dynamic is involved, let alone the emotion they bring to that intent. This is noble at face value but the damage from failed attempts is great. There is more of an equal footing within the SCC that allows for calmer and more rational talks for this purpose.

We have many discussions ahead of us, most of which cannot be resolved through walls of text like this. The mods have shown me that they are genuine in their love for the sub but, over time and with enough corrosive intent from trolls and bad actors, that love can be twisted into something it should not resemble. There must be voices to counteract this over time.

It is my belief that many things need to change for our overall community to return to a peaceful and sustainable path and that the road to get those changes is arduous, tedious, and well worth it. We currently have the ability to resolve core differences with relatively little drama. From there we can talk about what we need to see from each other in order to come around on key topics.

We can discuss what information we need to convince outsiders to become insiders to this saga, and how to obtain that critical information. It is my belief we must slowly and carefully expand and support each other in the projects we undertake. We must decentralize while remaining connected both here and in our friend lists.

Nobody is entirely opposed, and few are even partially opposed, to this overall thought process. When approached with reason and humanity everyone is receptive.

lol lmao

The shitheads running that sub won’t ever give up power, and even if they did, what happens to all the apes who were banned?

They’ve been silencing people for nearly 3 years now. That’s a lot of people who would need to be unbanned.

Personally, I don’t buy the “stand alone complex” crap he’s pushing. I resent the leaders of this movement and I will make a point to never have anything to do with them ever again. In the future, anything they stand for I will stand against.

The only reason we’re on the same side right now is because I’m invested in the MOASS and I want to get paid.

There is no possibility for us to ever be friends. That bridge was burned when the SS mods chose to act like assholes and silence their supposed “movement” for 3 years straight. They aren’t leading this movement, they have just taken it hostage.

  • @regolith
    179 months ago

    The only reason we’re on the same side right now is because I’m invested in the MOASS

    My own personal and humble opinion is that the mods running SS are not actually DRS’ed but rather grifting the MOASS through some shorter term strategy.

  • @MozooZ
    9 months ago

    Fwiw, the OP of that post is, from my experience, very interested in seeing this community and and succeed. As well, they have legitimate issue with Superstonk decay, though are level-headed and diplomatic.

  • @iofhuaOP
    129 months ago

    Caeser2021 5 hr. ago Your point about the burnout and mods, there was never ever any interaction on mod selection, in fact if my memory serves me, there were instances where it was brought up by the community how the Mod team had grown and how people were selected for it.

    So with all due respect, the community hasn’t asked the mods to do anything, because the community had no knowledge or input on their selection.

    jackofspades123 3 hr. ago I encourage you to read the open transparency threads in the discord. You might find them interesting and eye opening.

    ^ THAT Why should members of a subreddit have to sign up to a discord in order to be involved in the selection of a mod on their subreddit? This is like the Vogons in Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. “How could you not know that your planet was going to be bulldozed? The relevant form was hung in the Intergalactic Bureau of Space Administration’s office for the past two years!”

    The people running the place have to work for the federal government. Only the feds could set up this level of compartmentalization.

    • @vagrantprodigy
      79 months ago

      Not to mention that the discord is a far bigger echo chamber that is much more tightly moderated than the subreddit. You can’t post any dissenting opinions there without being mobbed.

    • @jackofspades123
      39 months ago

      I get the pushback on it is wrong to sign up yet again for another place. The only reason I suggested it is so you can read the logs and decide for yourself how good or how bad they are. I didn’t want to share my perspective on how I think they are

  • @jackofspades123
    119 months ago

    I’d like to believe SS can get better and improve. I hope the SCC does that, but only time will tell.

    Personally, I think there are some big issues that need to be addressed as resolved to splinter some of the groups.

  • @TheWiseAlaundo
    99 months ago

    I’ve gone pretty zen, checking in on Superstonk only occasionally. GameStop is crazy undervalued at current prices, even without the prospect of MOASS, so i continue to hold. I’m actually kinda happy seeing this post show up in my feed, 'cause Lemmy has entirely replaced Reddit for me.

    Also, ignore the following, I’m typing this because I couldn’t do the same on Reddit: AMC, WallStreetBets sucks balls, u/Spez doesn’t care about Reddit people, Use Lemmy

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      The only thing that keeps me zen and apathetic to anything said is DFV did not sell at the peak. He discovered this shit and didn’t sell.

  • @DDoS
    79 months ago

    My biggest question is: do we even need SuperSus, r/GME, or even Lemmy? Does the future of those online communities impact the stock, MOASS or the company, at all? Would people sell without those hubs? Do they still hold because they read the DD or do they do it because of the hype?

    If the community turns out to be in any way important, then I do very much care about them. If they will not have any effect on MOASS, I couldn’t care less.

    • @ChivesMA
      9 months ago

      It may be that if all social hubs disappeared tomorrow (even decentralized ones) that people would continue to buy and hold in an effort to force closure and discovery of the short positions. I do believe we have already passed that event horizon.

      Without a social hub to develop and test various theses, I don’t think we would have reached that point.

      I also believe there’s no way to know what we do not yet know - and so the ability for these social hubs to continue expanding and developing our knowledge is very important.

    • jersan
      109 months ago

      The community is undeniably important. The community of household investors have directly registered ~ 25% of the entire company. Whatever happens in the near or long term future, this 25% will have a major impact on the outcome. And the reason why 25% of the company is directly registered is because of places like superstonk and elsewhere where the important discovery of information has happened. If it wasn’t superstonk, it would have been some different place.

      Things have evolved a lot over the last 2 years, things will always be in a state of change. Superstonk used to be great, these days not so much.

      Lemmy, I think also, is incredibly important. Sure, there aren’t nearly as many active users here as in those other places but that doesn’t diminish the importance of this place. Even if Lemmy never grows substantially (personally I believe in due time it will grow substantially), the very fact that this community exists is creating competition for the reddit incumbents. For example superstonk mods are so threatened by this Lemmy instance or Lemmy in general that they have banned the word “Lemmy” from being mentioned or discussed at all, with a very flimsy justification for doing so. This to me speaks to the value of this place. They know that it exists, it stands as an alternative community location that realistically is capable of serving the same needs that reddit serves, and they’re so bothered by it that they censor it because they don’t want anyone coming here. They want everyone under their authority, not some other authority.

      I think that the fediverse is analogous to strong cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum. Bitcoin and ethereum are both imperfect, there are many valid criticisms that can be made against them, but despite these valid flaws, what they are are strong, decentralized alternatives that can serve similar functions as existing systems, without the need for some centralized authority to act as the final decision maker. Yes, imperfect, but also a valid alternative that serves as competition for the incumbent system.

      Now, the incumbent systems must constantly compete, must constantly adapt and improve, in order to be the legitimately superior option. Every day that goes on, the incumbent systems must be superior, because if they are not, then people will continue to embrace the alternatives and decide that the alternatives are actually better.

      So even if Lemmy is small, it is not insignificant. It is now an existing viable alternative to Reddit, and Reddit surely knows about it. Reddit must therefore act appropriately so as to not lose their status as incumbent. Lemmy as it exists therefore in my opinion is already causing Reddit to be better, because Reddit knows that if they are not better people will leave Reddit. If Reddit is too heavy handed, if Reddit bans entire subreddits for no good reason, this will ultimately create a scenario in the long run that will probably hurt Reddit, and therefore they must be careful in abusing their incumbent authority. If there was no viable alternative competitor such as Lemmy, then Reddit could behave in whatever way they want without concern.

      • @AnimorphFan1996
        89 months ago

        Lemmy as it exists therefore in my opinion is already causing Reddit to be better, because Reddit knows that if they are not better people will leave Reddit.

        In my opinion, the r/superstonk Community Council exists precisely because of competitive pressure from alternatives like our Lemmy server.

    • @regolith
      69 months ago

      It feels like we as a community have learned all of the shenanigans that can and have been pulled. Some of the subreddits have enabled that, either intentionally or just inevitably as a lot of garbage DD had to pass through first.

      While there can be additional stunts that are pulled, I feel fine just sitting and waiting. But I have only felt that way since DRSing 99%.

      Point being, it wouldn’t surprise me if everyone that is heavily DRS’ed just stops paying attention to the online chatter.

    • @MozooZ
      9 months ago

      While I do certainly agree there’s something to be said for your perspective on terms of “cult,” if we’re being intellectually honest, the same could be said about “regular” and “normal” investors with respect to the larger Wall Street network and regime and the associated power and propaganda.

      “Greed is good!” … “Trickle-down economics, m’boy!” … “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!!!”

      Not a priori bad, per se, but never before in the history of humankind has there been more power and money and influence concentrated in one place as there is now within what we call “Wall Street.”

      Forget GameStop!!1!

      The sheer fact of the matter is if you or someone you know has stock with a broker (e.g. TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Robinhood, etc …) you do not actually own that stock (see #1 from the TL;DR here for multiple citations, including from the SEC, NASDAQ, and FINRA).

      Such lack of knowledge - widespread and unknown to the vast majority of people in the planet, though being fundamentally important to (fair, free market) ownership and investing - speaks volumes about the larger issue and issues the people on this Lemmy instance are interested in.

      I’d definitely encourage a more open mind, for what that’s worth, respectfully speaking.

    • jersan
      99 months ago

      are there any other companies out there that, if somebody invests in that company, it necessarily means that they are in a cult, or is it just GameStop?

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Only if they expect an infinity pool to happen.

        Do I get banned if I link the folding ideas video? found it

        • jersan
          109 months ago

          the folding ideas video has been posted, more than once actually, so no you would not get banned for posting such a thing.

          that video presents a very biased one sided view of the entire story that, conveniently, aligns with the same propaganda put out by incumbent mainstream media: GameStop bad, GameStop investors dumb and delusional and cultists and bad. Forget GameStop. Please don’t ever consider the possibility that GameStop is a legitimate investment, because it is not. It’s just a meme stock and meme stocks are bad. It’s a bad investment because we the media say so, and we know better than you. If you invest in GameStop, you will lose everything. If you invest in GameStop, you are are a fool that deserves everything bad that ever happens to you, because you are bad. Forget GameStop.

          my simple question is what credibility does the creator of that video have? why would anyone consider this single random person to be an authority on a very complex and also controversial subject?

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            He isn’t appealing to his own authority in the video. He’s presenting facts then drawing a conclusion from those facts.

            At this point are you (or superstonk/lemmy users) holding Gamestop because of its inherent value as a company or because of the short squeeze?

            • jersan
              159 months ago

              why not both?

              i can’t speak for anyone else, but I believe that Ryan Cohen is on a mission to see GameStop succeed, and I’m invested in that mission. GameStop has a ton of potential, if you choose to believe in that, and I do.

              As for the short squeeze part: we already saw a glimpse back in January 2021. it was so dramatic that they made a movie and numerous documentaries about it. It only ended because incumbent financial institutions colluded to disable any further purchasing of shares of GME, because if they didn’t do that, that episode would have been game over for them. This detail is disputed by the folding ideas guy, but simply put I think he is biased and wrong. But, he would allege that I am biased and wrong. So who is right? I don’t know, I guess we will find out.

              • @iofhuaOP
                79 months ago

                The fact that Cohen is personally invested in Gamestop was a contributing factor behind why I decided to go all-in on GME instead of cashing out at a loss.

                That and the fact that Gamestop isn’t in debt, has over a billion cash on hand, is expanding its online storefront and built distribution centers for online sales, and is building a digital games storefront with PLAYR.

                They’re in a good financial position, have great leadership, and are making all the right decisions.

                So why is Gamestop constantly being bashed by the media? Why have all these investor websites who previously didn’t bat an eye when retail lost money, suddenly so concerned about my investment in Gamestop?

                They aren’t half as smart as they think they are. Money has been raining on fools for far too long and it’s time the fools lost their money.

                • @MozooZ
                  49 months ago

                  It’s pretty odd, that’s for sure, all the negative sentiment that continually speed forth on a consistent basis.

        • @MozooZ
          9 months ago

          Yeah, not quite reasonable. I agree.

          That’s an unfortunate meme andor unreasonable stance a small minority have taken to be absolute truth - and is cherry-picked by others to present something as “truthy,” as opposed to truthful.

          Just as dumb and culty - and far, far, far more damaging - as an “infinity pool” is “trickle-down economics, son!” and “greed is good!” and “pull yourself up by your bootstraps!”

          Along those lines, many people are younger - and desperate. The larger financial system has decimated large swaths of family’s livelihoods.

          It is a sheer matter of fact that Wall Street is historically and contemporarily known to be habitually criminal in large, large parts.

          Furthermore, the amount of power and propaganda available to the network and regime is unparalleled in all of human history.

          The odds are that Wall Street was caught with their pants down and are still covering it up - evidenced by much of what’s laid out in this low-cost, individual-made website that is well-sourced and clearly laid-out.

          • @[email protected]
            39 months ago

            So like, at what price point do you plan to sell? Are you expecting the price to shoot up in a squeeze again?

            • @AnimorphFan1996
              49 months ago

              I appreciate your interest, and these are both fair questions. Personally, I don’t want to sell, and I do expect a short squeeze. I hope that someone else can reply so you can get another perspective. And even if you don’t buy GameStop in particular, we want you to directly own whatever stock that you do buy.

            • @MozooZ
              49 months ago

              I have no particular price in mind, at this moment.

              I’m quite comfortable in my financial status, say, at this moment and am only interested in seeing justice and reform. There are some, frankly, psychopathic and horrible people in leadership positions who would be brought to justice with something like the success of GameStop.

        • @ChivesMA
          49 months ago

          Of course not. It’s been posted here before.

    • @AnimorphFan1996
      9 months ago

      If you want to think that way, then we are a cult dedicated to bringing about a financial system that works for everyone –– including you 🫂