“It only takes 1 generation refusing to be indoctrinated into worshipping a nonexistent fairytale that was fabricated to control the uneducated masses for the next generation to know better about religion.”
Patching it up some more. Stay informed and spread the news of religion’s intrinsic failings, so the next generation doesn’t repeat the mistakes of today.
It used to be used for good, it is not religion or the idea of it that cause the problem. It is the people, and if these people still exist, they will just create another thing for them to exerts greed and control over the populace.
The problem is that what they belive in is hundreds of years old. Back when all of that was written this was perfectly acceptable and in some cases even more humane than what was practiced at that time is. The problem is that the world changed a lot and what they belive in didn’t.
“It only takes 1 generation refusing to be indoctrinated into worshipping a nonexistent fairytale that was fabricated to control the uneducated masses for the next generation to know better about religion.”
Fixed it with help from Space_Jamke
To know better about religion*
Patching it up some more. Stay informed and spread the news of religion’s intrinsic failings, so the next generation doesn’t repeat the mistakes of today.
It flows off the tongue a lot better too.
It used to be used for good, it is not religion or the idea of it that cause the problem. It is the people, and if these people still exist, they will just create another thing for them to exerts greed and control over the populace.
… the bible literally tells you how to keep and beat your slaves. Also to kill babies.
… Another religion worships a “god” that has an 8 year old child wife.
It’s not evil people manipulating religion. Religion is evil.
The problem is that what they belive in is hundreds of years old. Back when all of that was written this was perfectly acceptable and in some cases even more humane than what was practiced at that time is. The problem is that the world changed a lot and what they belive in didn’t.