I’ve seen a lot of people praising RSS feeds over standard news. What benefits does RSS have over normal news sites? Are they more privacy-focused?

What feeds would you recommend for a fellow Lemmy user?

  • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬@lemmy.ml
    21 days ago

    If you’re into watching YouTube: You can add channels as RSS into your reader. The latest 15 videos are offered via the feeds. All you need is the channel ID of the channel whose feed you want to access.

    The channel ID is not visible anywhere on the page, but if you look at the DOM in the web browser via the developer console, you will find a meta entry <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/CHANNEL_ID"> in the <head>, where CHANNEL_ID is the required ID. There are also websites that can be found quickly and easily using the appropriate keywords, which read out and return the ID associated with the provided handle.


    If you have a lot of subscriptions, you can use Google Takeout at takeout.google.com and export the YouTube subscriptions as a CSV file. The CSV file contains the subscribed channels with their ID and title for you to parse into whatever format you need for your reader.

    For Newsboat you can use this script on the Abos.csv from my Google Takeout archive:

    while IFS="," read id url name; do
      [ ! -z "${id}" ] && echo "$feedURL youtube videos \"~${name}\""
    done < <(tail -n +2 Abos.csv) >> urls

    Edit: Seems like, Lemmy messes up the code formatting, but you get the gist …