Update, it’s not that you can’t share the site, but also they won’t tell me what I did other than it was brigading.

  • Freedom_Fight3r
    2 years ago

    Very well said. I have seen the COINTELPRO playbook that has been posted around a few times (originated from 4chan?), & the takeover of SuperStonk has been done exactly according to plan. My own thought to add is this: they will not EVER shut down SuperStonk. They never intended to, even through all the scary threats saying that they would. They need that place to stay online so they can control it & spread misinformation to help their wall st overlords.

    I never believed the threats of Reddit shutting the place down. I think they were all lies just to bring in censorship of the whole GME movement. The wall st hedge funds have succeeded in taking over the biggest battlefront of the GME fight (likely long ago), & they are not going to let it go. They will continue to use its popularity to spread misinformation & lies to the masses with their installed mods leading the way.

    However, apes are resilient. Apes have become immune to the FUD & fight back against it, despite all the censorship. Now those mods are resorting to mass bans. Good thing that migrations are nothing new for us. Well anyway, I’ll stop myself here. Just wanted to add my thoughts. 🙂