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This week on Taking Stock, hosts Lawson, Chives and Bibic were joined by Bill Pulte and Kevin Malone in order to discuss a variety of pressing community topics. Bill and Kevin are two of the larger community figures in our investing advocacy community and they shared their perspectives on dealing with online criticism, with seeking truth, with evaluating the SEC, and on the details of the Plan and Book designation distinctions. There was a lot of passion and a lot of wisdom on display here. It’s great being able to have these discussions, and to know we will always be able to have them on an open platform like Lemmy.

Taking Stock #7

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#Important Reminders

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  • jergy
    41 year ago

    Just finished listening to the recording, that was a good discussion.

    As always, I am glad to hear Lemmy being promoted. Both Kevin and Bill said they’d check it out. I sure hope to see them show up over here :)

    Here’s what I find most interesting: much of what Pulte had to say during this conversation was very similar to the things that he talked about on the recent PP show episode that they did live in Florida.

    Pulte talked about things like: how do we get out of this “mental prison”, how do we get more people to understand what is happening here, how can we make the DRS process more simple and easy to use so that tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of small time investors are actually able to utilize it? How do we reduce friction? And that, until we are able to harness the strength of large numbers of people, we will likely to continue to struggle against our very powerful opponents.

    To me it is plainly clear from Pulte’s words and actions that he has been making the rounds in all of these various investor communities to rally support in all of these communities against our common problem. Our common problem is corrupt power holders perpetrating criminal fraud in the stock market that hurts each and every one of us. It is an incredibly challenging problem to overcome, and will require the strengths of many people. And this is why he is using whatever influence he has to support us, all of us, these various investor communities.

    If we are fighting or bickering among ourselves, if we attack each other over small petty things, we are wasting our energy that could otherwise be spent in the direction of our common interests.

    Without stating this explicitly, Pulte is describing that we are in a war. We are engaged in financial warfare against powerful incumbents that have a vast array of tools and abilities and access to information and control of the media and influence into politics, and so on and so forth.

    These stocks, these naked shorted stocks, GME, BBBY, AMC, “meme stocks” as they are commonly referred to – these 3, and probably a whole bunch more, were targeted by the predatory financial cartel for cellar boxing. Bankruptcy, liquidation, delisting, never having to close their naked short positions.

    By investing in these stocks, we have upset the pre-determined decision that these companies will be eliminated. Those perpetrators have put themselves into a commitment to see it through to completion, and by preventing that from happening, we have engaged them in financial warfare because the stakes are maximally high for them. If we win, they lose everything. If they win, we lose everything that we’ve invested into these stocks. Ipso facto, we are engaging in financial warfare whether we wanted to or not.

    From this point of view, Pulte is doing what he can to help us. He says it plainly, saying things like “I’m doing what I can” to support these communities. He is validating the things that the community is talking about, and he is opening up these topics of conversations to potentially millions of other people. This is what he determined that he could do to help us win, because he clearly wants us to win, because he is one of us. He is fighting the same fight we are, maybe from a different position, but he wants the same victory that we want and he is doing what he reasonably can to achieve it.