Or maybe they are? Maybe it’s difficult to get new people to organize and join and support a party that almost always gets ignored by the news media, or
else is being demonized by the democratic establishment or democrat voters.
People will come into threads like this and complain about the Green party not doing anything for 3.5 years at a time but also refuse to join the green party or volunteer or anything.
I volunteer. I live in a state with ranked choice voting but left-of-center voters still overwhelmingly don’t vote for local green candidates. That’s on us Greens to do better, but again it’s difficult when there are so few people willing to get involved.
or else is being demonized by the democratic establishment or democrat voters.
The party that only exists to siphon Dem votes and help Republicans win isn’t universally loved by Democrats? Wow that’s so crazy, I can’t imagine why that would be.
It’s almost as if they were a primary reason Trump won the first election and became relevant in the first place. It’s almost as if the entire MAGA movement is only as big as they are because of the Green Party’s role in that first election…
It’s a total mystery why anyone would be unhappy with Stein 🤷♂️
In time, I hope you come to reject the propaganda you just posted.
The green party doesn’t exist to screw you all over. It’s made up of real people who believe in the tenets of the party. The fact that the voting system is broken in 48 states and is “first past the post” is not the fault of the green party.
The green party exists to try and win, just like the two bigger parties. One could just as equally claim that the democratic party only exists to siphon off green party votes.
The green party doesn’t exist to screw you all over.
No, they just don’t care about that side effect. They’re more than happy to make the world a worse place as long as it protects their feelings.
In time, I hope you come to reject the propaganda you just posted.
I care about outcomes, not naive idealistic bullshit. Campaign for change locally and work from the bottom-up. Don’t sabotage an entire presidential election - that you have literally no chance to win and carries great risk to people that you claim to care about - in order to get the worst candidate anyone has ever seen in our history into power.
One could just as equally claim that the democratic party only exists to siphon off green party votes.
Nah, I live in reality. Until we don’t use a two-party system, the Green party doesn’t exist to win.
Here we go again blaming the green party for the dems running a shitty candidate and a shitty campaign. The green party doesn’t exist to siphon dem votes and help Republicans win, it exists to act as a check on the democrats and make sure they don’t abandon there left wing.
You know what stops the green party? Giving the left someone to vote for on the dems. Obama runs on hope and change and health care reform in 08, greens only get 0.12% . The dems give us Clinton who ignores and ostracized Bernie, greens go up to 1%. Biden campaigns on building back better, student loan forgiveness, stimmy etc. And brings Bernie into help build the platform, greens go back down to 0.26% . The dems give us kamala and ignore the left to pick up Cheney supporters, greens go back up to 0.5% .
If dems are gonna abandon the left then they shouldn’t expect left votes. And if the left continues to vote dem even when they gove them nothing then they’ve lost all there power.
They aren’t. The fact that so many people seem to be disenfranchised by the 2-party system but 3rd party candidates aren’t winning in local/state elections across the country prove that 3rd parties are putting in the effort.
Or maybe they are? Maybe it’s difficult to get new people to organize and join and support a party that almost always gets ignored by the news media, or else is being demonized by the democratic establishment or democrat voters.
People will come into threads like this and complain about the Green party not doing anything for 3.5 years at a time but also refuse to join the green party or volunteer or anything.
I volunteer. I live in a state with ranked choice voting but left-of-center voters still overwhelmingly don’t vote for local green candidates. That’s on us Greens to do better, but again it’s difficult when there are so few people willing to get involved.
The party that only exists to siphon Dem votes and help Republicans win isn’t universally loved by Democrats? Wow that’s so crazy, I can’t imagine why that would be.
It’s almost as if they were a primary reason Trump won the first election and became relevant in the first place. It’s almost as if the entire MAGA movement is only as big as they are because of the Green Party’s role in that first election…
It’s a total mystery why anyone would be unhappy with Stein 🤷♂️
In time, I hope you come to reject the propaganda you just posted.
The green party doesn’t exist to screw you all over. It’s made up of real people who believe in the tenets of the party. The fact that the voting system is broken in 48 states and is “first past the post” is not the fault of the green party.
The green party exists to try and win, just like the two bigger parties. One could just as equally claim that the democratic party only exists to siphon off green party votes.
No, they just don’t care about that side effect. They’re more than happy to make the world a worse place as long as it protects their feelings.
I care about outcomes, not naive idealistic bullshit. Campaign for change locally and work from the bottom-up. Don’t sabotage an entire presidential election - that you have literally no chance to win and carries great risk to people that you claim to care about - in order to get the worst candidate anyone has ever seen in our history into power.
Nah, I live in reality. Until we don’t use a two-party system, the Green party doesn’t exist to win.
Here we go again blaming the green party for the dems running a shitty candidate and a shitty campaign. The green party doesn’t exist to siphon dem votes and help Republicans win, it exists to act as a check on the democrats and make sure they don’t abandon there left wing.
You know what stops the green party? Giving the left someone to vote for on the dems. Obama runs on hope and change and health care reform in 08, greens only get 0.12% . The dems give us Clinton who ignores and ostracized Bernie, greens go up to 1%. Biden campaigns on building back better, student loan forgiveness, stimmy etc. And brings Bernie into help build the platform, greens go back down to 0.26% . The dems give us kamala and ignore the left to pick up Cheney supporters, greens go back up to 0.5% .
If dems are gonna abandon the left then they shouldn’t expect left votes. And if the left continues to vote dem even when they gove them nothing then they’ve lost all there power.
They aren’t. The fact that so many people seem to be disenfranchised by the 2-party system but 3rd party candidates aren’t winning in local/state elections across the country prove that 3rd parties are putting in the effort.