This is a ridiculous statement. If a 40 year old can’t tell their parents no to a trip, that’s a problem with the 40 year old. At 19, even though you’re legally an adult, you’re probably still very reliant on your parents, don’t have a very high paying job, and likely don’t have your own place.
He was 19, he was an adult and able to refuse if he wanted.
When you were 19, did you have much of a say if your parents wanted to take you on a trip? Legally, sure. But in reality?
Bro you could say that about any age at that point.
This is a ridiculous statement. If a 40 year old can’t tell their parents no to a trip, that’s a problem with the 40 year old. At 19, even though you’re legally an adult, you’re probably still very reliant on your parents, don’t have a very high paying job, and likely don’t have your own place.
Having the legal right and feeling in any way empowered to exercise that right are wildly different things.
so what age does he become an adult like the rest of us? 25? or when he is empowered enough?
“Ugh, it’ll probably be fine, and it’ll get my dad off my back.”