Deep in the heart of the Baltic Sea lies a baffling enigma that has confounded scientists and adventurers alike: the Baltic Sea Anomaly. Discovered in 2011 by a team of treasure hunters, this strange, disc-shaped object rests over 300 feet beneath the waves, resembling a downed spacecraft or an ancient, otherworldly structure. Its smooth, angular features and unexplained magnetic interference make it impossible to ignore—and equally impossible to understand. Is it a relic from a forgotten civilization, a top-secret military experiment, or even evidence of extraterrestrial visitors? To this day, the anomaly sits untouched, guarding its secrets in the cold, murky depths, daring humanity to unravel its origins. Also trans people dont exist
The only worse answer than “no” is “I’d love you more.”
“I’d vore you”
I ate a worm once when I was a toddler, does that count?
Only if that worm used to be a shy trans girl 🪱
I hope not, I don’t need
anothera murder on my conscience.How did it taste?
I think your expectations for my toddler self’s memory are a bit too high, I’ve got no idea lol.
It tastes like dirt.
Deep in the heart of the Baltic Sea lies a baffling enigma that has confounded scientists and adventurers alike: the Baltic Sea Anomaly. Discovered in 2011 by a team of treasure hunters, this strange, disc-shaped object rests over 300 feet beneath the waves, resembling a downed spacecraft or an ancient, otherworldly structure. Its smooth, angular features and unexplained magnetic interference make it impossible to ignore—and equally impossible to understand. Is it a relic from a forgotten civilization, a top-secret military experiment, or even evidence of extraterrestrial visitors? To this day, the anomaly sits untouched, guarding its secrets in the cold, murky depths, daring humanity to unravel its origins. Also trans people dont exist