I’ve been searching for Superstonk on Lemmy and have t come across any. GmeCanada seems to be the only one. I can’t seem to sub to it though.

Are there honestly less than 100 apes boycotting reddit?

A website that has constantly censored DD has attacked the sub and has actually shut Drsgme.

Why would apes stay there. Basically an abusive relationship at this point.

Weird that a sub that is at the forefront of transparency and spearheading equality.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    To be honest, I am glad to be away. The community went away from critical thinking to batshit insane conspiracy theories. Most of the time the frontpage was filled with absurd tinfoil posts between the DRS posts (I do not criticize the latter). DDs were mostly relying on previous DDs and stated things as matter of fact even though we never got definite proof of them, like the basket swap stuff. I get, that we do not have the data to accurately verify it, but at least state somewhere in your post, that we do not know that for sure. You know, the scientific way.

    • AlteredStateBlob
      41 year ago

      I went to lurking entirely after the first year or so, only occasionally posting some updates on what’s going on with GameStop Germany, such as store closures, updates to the website and support system, etc. Had a fairly high Karma account mostly from superstonk, and all the preceeding subs. Went with all the migrations. It went quiet, because most had been settled and figured out, I believe.

      The next interesting wave of info will come in a few years, when DRS has reached enough shares to lock the float. I believe every short is a future buyer. But I also strongly believe the can will be kicked until the can kickers die and beyond. Just interested to see how they fuck with the system once DRS should have made it impossible to do so any longer.

      To my mind, my investment is either gone or will pay in a few years. Either by virtue of GME turning around properly or by shit unravelling for the shorts. No need to discuss it further. Just keeping an eye on news every few days.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Oh it got a bit loose but the community probably exhausted the sane stuff and had to keep clutching.

      Nothing is proven since we don’t get complete data. It’s all speculation until we see the backend.

      I think it’s likely run its course. Now we need a catalyst

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Yeah, but then flag it as clear speculation in your post and put a section, that describes, what happens to your theory, if this speculation proves false.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I’ve read on the superstonk reddit, the reason to stay on reddit was to reach a lot of people with new dd. If a post hits the front-page there it can be seen by milions of people potentially. The argument seems sound to me, but I would rather forego the publicity a reddit post can potentially create and enjoy the freedom of foss community like here on lemmy.

    I already created a post about lemmy as alternative to reddit on r/superstonk some time ago, but it never gained any traction. We could even host our own lemmy instance and keep all the information save in the hands of the community…

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Yeah just seems like it should splinter. The more areas it covered the better it will be able to spread. More eyes is better. Plus reduction in censorship and heavy handed mods

  • qprimed
    01 year ago

    because the gme “revolution” was actually super centalized to begin with and actually goes pretty much hand-in-glove with the real reddit target audience?

    not trying to throw shade, just making an observation.

      • qprimed
        21 year ago

        yeah, I am not specifically into stocks, but I have seen so much of this in other spaces. people get herded (ponzi/rugpull style) for the benefit of a few and, when price action is the only consideration, you have to be where everyone congregates to read the room and establish the groupthink.

        I suspect that degens/apes are gonna be very hard to pull over to a new space without some real deep gravity well to attract them.

        • @[email protected]OP
          21 year ago

          Which is a real shame. Hopefully we get some things going soon. It’s still early days v

          I’ve no idea what’s been going on with the stock since reddit blackout

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Oh I totally get that. But it’s evolved several times, I’d expect getting away from reddit and it being attacked would be an idea. But here we are.

  • @[email protected]
    -41 year ago

    The DRS movement failed to lock enough float. Unless the price crashes to sub-1$s so it can be locked more quickly, there will be no MOASS.

    Reddit has a critical mass to sustain the thought bubble, but unlike a hobby community I don’t think you’ll be able to transition off-site so easily.