I’ve got a couple of e-mail addresses with the main providers, but I’m looking to switch to an ad-free and more secure provider.
I’ve been looking at ProtonMail, but what do you guys use or recommend?
I’ve got a couple of e-mail addresses with the main providers, but I’m looking to switch to an ad-free and more secure provider.
I’ve been looking at ProtonMail, but what do you guys use or recommend?
I switched from Tuta to Fastmail. Tuta was mostly fine, but being restricted to only their client was really annoying. I can use Fastmail with Thunderbird/FairEmail/etc just fine.
I get what Tuta is trying to do with encrypted email, but IMO they’re better off joining up with Fastmail on better specs that allow for the things they want to do, instead of limiting what email clients you can use.