I’ve got a couple of e-mail addresses with the main providers, but I’m looking to switch to an ad-free and more secure provider.
I’ve been looking at ProtonMail, but what do you guys use or recommend?
I’ve got a couple of e-mail addresses with the main providers, but I’m looking to switch to an ad-free and more secure provider.
I’ve been looking at ProtonMail, but what do you guys use or recommend?
It is, they can’t access anything it’s all encrypted and truly private to you. My only problem with the free tier is that there’s a signature at the bottom saying it was sent with proton mail, which isn’t even a big deal you just have to remember to remove it every time you send something. That and the 1 gig storage limit fills up quicker than you’d think.
Email comes in from everywhere unencrypted via SMTP. Proton may be a great company, but let’s make sure everyone recognizes that email (without E2E PGP) is inherently open to anyone in the chain, including at Proton, who’s snooping.