That’s all.
Microsoft Teams isn’t all bad! For example, it bogged down my work computer so much at start up that I would basically get an extra break.
It temporarily deletes my meetings just before they happen, so that I don’t have to attend them!
Of course, when I open it later, the meetings are restored, with the original date, and no trace of the deletion. So not attending them is quite hard to explain to others. But it does save me from attending!
Just do in what I do. Don’t join meetings most of the time. That way when you do it is noteworthy to the meeting stakeholder.
Yeah sure my manglers through the years try to have ‘the talk’ but after awhile of training them via sheer apathy they shut the fuck up.
I solve complex problems, get my tasks done, I’m independent and I stay busy because I’ll get bored. Most meetings could just be an email. There’s no real collaboration except managers or scrum masters asking what your blockers are but not actually doing anything about it. If I think the meeting will be a waste of my time I just don’t show up.
Take a print
The one problem with that is that I need to know I’m not being told about a meeting to take a print.
The the screen recording always on lol
Oh, nice, Windows 11 will fix Teams!
That’s all.
There’s more: microsoft outlook is garbage
The new outlook has exceeded “garbage” and gone all the way to dumpster fire. It sometimes takes upwards of 15, 30 seconds to open an email. The new auto formatting is a hindrance to be overcome by tricking it to act how you want. Trying to schedule an event across timezones shits the bed half the time, resulting in improper meeting times being sent out. Absolute failure.
My CISO has all but said he’s going to prevent any auto-rollout of that shit because it breaks decades of user training and TRUNCATES THE FRONT OF THE URL, NOT THE BACK LIKE ANY SENSIBLE APPLICATION.
Like, let’s make it so Steve in accounting can’t see that the login link he wants to click is actually instead of, makes perfect fucking sense.
Wait, really? I’ve found the new outlook opens emails faster than the old one, especially the HTML-heavy ones that my work loves to send me.
The refactor to the rules UI is really nice too, the old one was so crusty. Can’t comment on the timezone issue though.
I’ve been told the extended time to open is related to how big the outlook database is, I average 200 emails received a day with various alerts and notifications from internal tools and it cripples new outlook in about a week if I’m not diligent with keeping folders cleaned out/emails deleted. This volume wasn’t a issue before I switched.
Ah so your issue is, let me see here… Ah, actually using Outlook like a normal user.
I’ve tried switching to Thunderbird myself but it doesn’t support Office 365 without a third party service. So I feel stuck with Outlook.
If I’m being honest the only Microsoft product I actually like is Excel.
They’re doing their best to “improve” excel too… I can’t understand how their AI generated cell fill is worse than the old approach.
I’ll die on the hill that classic outlook is far better than Gmail and similar web interfaces for email especially if you have long threads or lots of emails.
Also somehow Google’s email search sucks so bad compared to searching in outlook.
I agree. The old Outlook was snappy and dense of information. The new Outlook is just a fucking web page.
Microsoft OneDrive is the maggots in the dog shit
There shouldn’t be worms in the poop of a healthy dog. This analogy just keeps getting better and more accurate.
Oooh, I hate it so bad…… I used to click “Save” and my word document would ask to save in the only folder I save ALL my documents in. Change the name, save, so easy!
Now it asks if I want to save to OneDrive… Fuck No Mr Paperclip! I want it in the folder I always use and don’t want to have to select “Other” then dig through screens to select the thing I use every time!
So annoying. The OneDrive documents folder masquerading as your actual docs folder. Diabolical.
Onedrive is pretty ok, other than being annoying. A company I worked for was acquired by another company that had their own cloud storage product. After the acquisition, they forced us to migrate from onedrive to their product. It was so bad… Files would constantly corrupt and disappear, the speed was terrible, trying to share files didn’t work half the time, when sharing folders the people you shared with wouldn’t see all the files in the folder. They also limited our storage from 1TB to 25GB making it pretty useless for storing builds of our product or trying to share VMs.
And the worst part is that they also closed our SMB network share to force us to use that piece of shit.
After that experience, I will never complain about Onedrive again.
Haha oh man that sounds infuriating. Of course it could be worse, but def could be better
What blows my mind is MS fucking bought Skype and somehow Teams still can’t handle video calls correctly. The actual fuck did they do with that acquisition?
How the fuck did they let motherfucking Zoom take over. The video-call equivalent of “Googling” something was to “Skype.” When Covid hit, Microsoft screwed the pooch horribly.
My sister is super high ranking at Microsoft, and when she calls the family, she uses Zoom.
Skype used to be peer to peer. Your call went from you to your friend (whomever). Microsoft decided that they couldn’t mitm that setup to scrape data; so, soon after they acquired Skype, they made all calls go through their servers.
Then they tried to make Skype make more money, since those servers aren’t free. Then they made teams and copied half the code into that, and cludged the rest to make it hold together.
I don’t mind teams for chatting or meetings but I hate sharepoint and the Teams file “structure” with a passion.
haha file structure - it’s going the Apple way of just chuck it in and then search for what you want rather than being a grown-up and keeping things organised and tidy
Yes. Typical MS corporate BS. Take “inspiration” from slack and zoom, make it great to steal the market, then make it worse and more expensive every once and a while.
Teamsis dog shitThat’s all.
I mean, with winter coming in, and universities not bothering to heat the building, teams turning my potato work laptop into a furnace is the only thing keeping us warm this winter…
Serious question - is their long term strategy bad optimisation to sell hardware? Do they have shares in intel or something?!?
I’m so tired of web engine based apps
Decades of speed increases in hardware, yet software is slower than ever because we’re wasting it on JavaScript.
Is there a Microsoft product that isn’t?
To be fair, Teams is pretty bad even for MS. I’ve never seen something do so relatively little and still perform so poorly. When I switched jobs and got to use Slack it was like a great fog being lifted off of my being.
VS Code. That’s it though.
I was expecting a detailed rant, including an example or two. “That’s all” is much, much funnier.
I’m sick of notifications not coming through on Teams. Fucking piece of shit program.
I’m sick of imaginary notifications coming through and making my taskbar flash, only to open it up and NOTHING IS THERE.
Am I the only one that prefers it to Slack?
Am I the only one that like Teams?