I’ve been bitten by a horse, snake (twice, years apart), cat, red back spider, dog (twice, weeks apart). What’s your count?
Not me but my dad (a veterinarian who should know better) was bitten by a cat then ignored the wound until it ballooned up. They nearly had to amputate and he nearly died.
If a cat bites you hard enough to make you bleed GO TO THE DOCTOR ASAP! Their mouths are filthy and the bite will get infected
A big darn dragonfly. It took quite a large chunk out of my arm, and it ended up badly infected in no time
I had no idea they would/could bite humans. Think you could share a link to the species or something?
Think one nipped me as a child, but I’m around them all the time and never heard of anyone getting bit. We get some absolute units down here!
Would you like to know more?
That was an excellent writeup, thanks for sharing
Not me but a former Co worker was bitten by something unknown. He went out fishing, I don’t know if alcohol was included but I wouldn’t be surprised. He got home and noticed two puncture wounds on the back of his leg. Over the next few days his leg really hurt, he went to the doctor was basically told it’s just a little inflamed here’s some ibuprofen.
Another week goes by still in pain so he goes back. Might be a mild infection heres some antibiotics.
A few days go by and pain is getting worse. He goes to hospital. The check him out, he is going into sepsis and his kidneys and liver are shutting down. They put him in a medical induced coma. Once they stabilize him they run more tests, they find stage 4 lung cancer. They send him to some cancer hospital in Kentucky. He arrives late at night(still in coma). They put him in a room. They check on him the next morning and he is dead.
Damn, that’s a hell of a snake bite.
I’m not sure how it works in every state, but in mine rabies testing is covered by the state but kind of requires a doctor visit, (and the animal to be tested) to get the ball rolling. I think you could also go straight to the sheriff. All of that to say i went to the ER for a minor bat bite, and to make my PSA statement that if there is even a sliver of possibility that rabies is possible, don’t ever assume that a minor animal bite is no big deal.
Got bit fishing a mouse out of the trash can at our wedding. When I sobered up the next morning I was seriously sweating about rabies.
Turns out mice don’t carry it, or at least have never infected a human. Plus, despite all the woods around here, rabies is very rare in this county.
It is rare, but not something to completely ignore as a possibility
Never. Weird you keep getting bit.
A cat.
The neighbor’s cat managed to get through the screen window into our bedroom, but couldn’t get out again. And because I wasn’t thinking, I picked it up and decided to carry it downstairs. That was a mistake. It bit my hand, wrist and forearm, and scratched basically everywhere else. The bites were bleeding a LOT, especially the one on my wrist. And of course I had to get antibiotics and a tetanus shot, which meant that only were the bites hurting, I was nauseous for two weeks too.
Also a snake once. My partner made me go to the doctor, who said “yep, that’s a snake bite. Call me if it’s not getting better”.
Finally spotted some vipers in my area so I started researching what to do if bitten. Basically, clean it up and “Call me if it’s not getting better.” Still, I’m wearing my combat boots every time I’m in the wild from now on.
Where my snake bitees at?
Was biking/exploring in the woods and got bit on the ankle by what I later figured out was a copperhead. Couldn’t bike to the ER so I had to bike to the edge of the woods and meet the ambalance there.
Copperhead venom digests/destroys tissue, but the antivenom can kill you since it’s made from horse blood and you could be addicted, so they gave me 10 bags over the course of the night and stuck me in the ICU just in case. The person in the room next to me ended up dying from whatever they were there for. At this point my foot had swelled up like an exam glove you blew into to make a balloon. But it started going down after the 5th bag of antivenin. Which felt like ice in my veins.
The next morning basically I was good to go, but it was expensive. I was a teenager but my mom had to fight the insurance company to get them to pay which was the real horror story of all this.
A pure bred Akita named Misha. She was a beautiful and nice dog that some neighbors down the street has. I loved that dog and pet her whenever I went by and she was out.
One day, after walking one of the little neighbor girls to school, I stopped to pet her and she got excited and in the process of licking my face, got a fang caught in the bridge of my nose, ripping it open from top to bottom. She didn’t mean to, but it happened and I had to get a bunch of stitches (and discovered that they can’t numb cartilage), so the poor girl had to spend the rest of her life in a small high-fenced yard. I hated it, but I completely understood the owners wanting to make sure they didn’t have to put her down over a mistake.
Had an Akita in the day. Dude looked like a black bear cruising the house, and he was bigger than the actual bear I caught on my trail cam last week.
I got bit by my cat once and had to go to urgent care because my hand started swelling up pretty rapidly, and I got some pretty heavy antibiotics, but I think that’s probably it. Had a dog bite too, but that didn’t go deep enough to cause issue (it’s a teeth thing - thin and pointy cat teeth vs wider and more dull dog teeth).
This did not end up in the ER but is a bit of a funny tale. When I was very young I got bit by a gerbil on my finger but it must of hit something somewhat significant as the blood was spurting. I wrapped a kitchen towel around it and wen to my brother who upon seeing the kitchen towel wrapped around my finger and hand for what I explained was a gerbil bite immediately started making fun of me. Oh did you get mauled by the mighty gerbil or such. Anyway he then unwound the towel and was like. holy shit. and wrapped it back up. He got it tightly wrapped with a real bandage and gauze and such that it slowed the bleeding down so that after a few hours and a rewrap it was no bleeding passed the bandage anymore.
Ha! I’ve been bitten by rodents a time or three and never had a spurting wound! Little dude must have been infected with rage.
I never went to the emergency room (was traveling where there weren’t doctors of any kind), but I was bitten by a black widow spider and was sick as a dog for days afterwards. Not sure if this counts for the question?
When I first read your question, I thought it was a hypothetical situation. Like an improv exercise or something.
Anyway, I was bitten by a racoon once. Everything turned out alright in the end for both me and the racoon.
My savage ex-girlfriend and one crazy neighbors kid.
I’m sure this is two separate stories but please tell it like it was one. Extra style points for the two biting each other.
My family rescued a huge fluffy chow back in the '90s who promptly tried to bite my heart out of my chest. I still have the circular scar and it feels super good to scratch at. Dog was put down, obviously.
A friend of mine had a partner accidentally draw blood when he (consensually) bit them. It got infected and they needed quite serious hospital care. I suppose that counts.